Worst Judgments?

What were some challenges you've seen when the judges didn't get it right--in your opinion?

I saw a re-run of the Mystery Cake Challenge featuring Duff Goldman (i.e. the "capsizing" ship) that had a sports theme. The Judges passed on an excellent Matador cake because it "didn't fit the theme" and chose a cake from Colette Peters that looked like a regular blue multi-tiered cake with a fish on top. Don't they judge on creativity?!


i completely disagreed with the judges on the horror cakes episode.


Mike was totally robbed on the matador cake! Fortunately, he came back and when with a Scooby Do cake and later with an amazing Big Bird cake. I don't think there's another designer who even comes close to him in the talent department.


The horror cake episode when the cake that came alive and ate the baker was declared "to cute". Worst decision ever.

When this all goes to hell, I want it on the record that I voted Libertarian.


I watched a "chocolate" one yesterday. One had these beautiful lit balloon with a bottom that twirled, another was a chocolate replica of a fishing boat that had waves that moved.

They awarded the win to some guy who made a person on a bicycle. The parasol broke off when moving the piece, it didn't have a "move" until two guys pushed it on a wooden beam back and forth, and it fell over during judging when a judge asked to see if move on it's own.

How. the. hell. did. that. guy win? Soooo rigged.


That chocolate challenge was the worst. I thought the movement of the boat had it all sewn up for the win.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


They just did smurf cakes and gave second place to a guy who did the smurfs being trapped in a subway door. His Smurfs looked like they had Down Syndrome and the subway doors were just spraypainted plywood.

The cake the judges agreed had the best Smurfs on it got 4th place for making the cab look too cartoony.

Fine they didn't win, but why did he get 2nd place when his cake was a subway trainwreck?

Do you understand the words that I am saying to you?



As much as I liked "Sir lounge-a-lot", Marina (that winner) put so much detail in that cake, that it was pretty much hers to lose. You have to admit, her figurines looked incredible. I personally preferred the cake with the two people fighting over a turkey leg. If it were cleaner work, it might have contended better.

I miss when they offered silver and bronze metals for second and third place contestants. Some of these "losing" cakes still merited something.


I didn't think that Bronwen, as much as I like her, should have won the Romance Novel challenge. Her people looked...let's just say not good.

rah...bah...bah - The Terror


I think the competition was about myths or some such. One of the competitors made a woman with spiders in her hair and other made a mermaid.

The mermaid cake, I thought, was gorgeous. She was a bit on chunky side but hey, it's cake and needs support. But over all extremely well done. I think one of the judges even referred to it as a work of art.

The cake with the woman with the spiders in her hair was sloppier, the colors seemed a bit off (I seem to recall a lot of cartoony neon stuff that really clashed). It wasn't a bad cake but there were plenty of things about it that could have been done a lot better. In the end it won because it was "funner" and somehow a mermaid doesn't come to mind when the judges think of myths?!?!


After watching the repeat of The Smurfs challenge I have to say IMO the judging was off on all the cakes. I think Jennifer should have won with the vortex/waterfall cake, it was a beautiful complex cake and her smurfs were just as good as the lady that won, the guy doing the subway should have come in fourth, the lady doing the cab should have come in third although she did have the best smurfs her cake was a little odd with the cab above the city, I think the lady who did the fire escape/building and won should have come in second, there wasn't much to her cake and her smurfs were not that great.


i just watched the Aquarium Of The Pacific Shark Week Cake Challenge, and was shocked that they awarded it to the guy who had a horribly amateur cake over the woman who did an amazing underwater theme!!! While the 'sign' fell so they had to put it at the base, it was an amazing cake with sea creatures and sharks swimming around! What a crock! You could tell though, that the woman from the aquarium was not happy about the placement of the sign, and she talked the judges into voting for the other one. You could tell they wanted to vote for the other one. I bet those who attended the ceremony said "WTF???" if they watched this episode! I'm so pissed that I wasted an hour just to see some arrogant chef win over someone who truly deserved it, because of some woman who obviously doesn't know her a$$ from a hole in the ground!!! The winner was even shocked!

Just because I'm easily distracted doesn't mean I
