Last Night

I had a very bad allergic reaction from a cat last night. I took a Benadryll and I slept like a baby. But I missed last night's episode? What happened??


In a nutshell:
Esmeralda decides to take Tia's advice and get to know Cmdr. Montero (to avoid angering her father further). She didn't communicate this plan to Diego, who saw her and Montero in town and he thinks she's accepted him as a potential fiance. Diego's father is haunted by the memory of his late wife, esp. after seeing the Indian girl he rescued without her war paint. Sr. Maria Pia is still being stalked by Fernando, who again went to visit her at the convent. Cmdr. Montero and Mariangel spend some "quality" time together to hatch their evil plans. Diego tells Padre that he is quitting as Zorro.


Great recap! Thanks!


I missed the second episode -- so I wonder why is Mariangel going after Diego? Did they meet around the same time, before, or after he (as Zorro) bumped into Esmeralda? In the 3 episode I think I remember Mariangel and Montero were together.


Because he's rich and she's decided she wants him. I don't think they meet until after but I am not sure. Here is a link to summaries:
Hope this helps!
