MovieChat Forums > Blindsight (2008) Discussion > It is not about the destination...

It is not about the destination... is always the journey.

I have much more to add but it has been nearly 10 years since this film came out. I even had a notion of why not a boat trip, a kayak trip, a rafting trip, why the testosterone filled desire to be on top and conquer something. These "kids" would simply be as happy sitting around a camp fire, being accepted in a family doing the things that we take for granted than climbing this ridiculous rock. Does it mean that we have to take all sighted children to climb Everest during the summer so that they can become better adults. Why not something more empowering to their intellect or more stimulating to their other senses: music, food, swimming, perfume shops, pet shop...etc, as you would do in a summer camp (spoiler ahead).

Attitudes and personalities have much changed since then so there is no need for me to go further. In the end, I believe everyone learned something, humbling Erik included and Rabriye's realization of her students' fragility. Since we didn't witness it, I hope especially the guides who out of frustration made the comment of "carrying his ass" have learned something from this purely ego driven expedition.

However, I would like to remark that IMDB should shine more lights to reflect the amazing Rabriye Tenberken's accomplishments in the film's description rather than noting nearly everything to Erik.

But yes, more currently the journey of the Queen of Versailles is also a great lesson of real time documentaries. You will start one thing but may end up with something, way off course but much more rewarding. The journey.

Great film, nevertheless. Thank you.
