Subway Scene

I'm a bit confused about the guy in the subway. Was he coming onto the Adam Goldberg character? Also, does anyone know the name of the actor playing the subway guy?


I have no idea, but it was absolutely hilarious when he gave the guy an evil glare.


I do not think he was coming on to either of them: just that he was weird. Or that that scene was meant as a weird or tense interlude in the movie.


I thought he was eying Marion. That part was hilarious because it was believably creepy.


the scene was hilarious i couldn't stop laughing!
but then i've actually had this happen to me a few times on the metro.. wasn't laughing then, was rather creeped out!



Ok, I didn't like this movie, no that much but that scene has got to be one of the most memorable of all times. i mean, wtf was that guy doing? Adam Goldberg's face was precious, just perfect for that scene, I laughed like a fool, seriously. 10/10 scene . the whole movie 5/5


That scene was hilarious and ultra creepy. But I really wanted Adam Goldberg to man up and confront him verbally.


I kept waiting for him to say something to the guy in Arabic.


Indifference is the essence of inhumanity
