too old

they were just too old to pull off a love story like that. Old people acting like teenagers are ridiculous. What is next? 50 year olds playing Romeo and Juliet?


I don't recall seeing anything that seemed out-of-character for people of their age. They really weren't that old in the first place, and if you wanna say they were acting childish, well... I can personally attest that love does that to people.


it's just that I think stories like this are for actors in their teens or early 20s. Not late 30s. I mean she still lives with her parents (who where young in the 60s!). People in the mid 30s have children / are divorsed / have mid life crisis or stuff like that. Make movies about that and leave the love stories for the young.

That's what bothers me: The movie try and "sell" the idea that you are still young in your late 30s! That's so stupid. Next is that you are young in your 40s or 50s.


She doesn't live with her parents per se; only when she's in Paris. She lives with Goldberg in New York.

You're also forgetting that the story takes place in a completely different culture, where you're not always shoved out the door at 18.

Mid-life crises are supposed to happen in the 40s and the couple has only been together for 2 years (not everyone gets married right after school, you know). I really don't understand your quarrel with the film. It was perfectly logical to me.


she doesn't live with her parents - she bought the condo/apt upstairs from her parent's condo.


She lives in the same house + the mom enters the room when she wants + mummy does the laundry = she still lives home. And she is like 40. Grow up! It's disgusting to see old people acting like they are young. Grow up and act your age.

Try using some new young actors instead. Or are these movies made to make the old 30-40-something losers feel better about themselves?


Are you even going to respond to the points I made, or are you going to keep supporting points I've already tried to debunk without countering them?


this is for morten-jensen
eventually you will be OLD (like 40!!!!) Hopefully you will act your age then


Nice :)

"I know what I like, AND I liiiike what I KNOW"


you are a *beep* moron


Wow! Morten-jensen has no clue do they? What a narrow view of the world! I guess it just shows how stupid "young" people are. (please note sarcasm)


Also in real life: Like Jenifer Aniston going to be mum for the first time at 40 years old! Disgusting! Glad I'm not her kid. Mom and grandmom in the same person.

It's not just this movie. I just saw "The Brave One" with Jodie Foster. She is playing a woman in love with this man, and they are going to get married, and she is wedding-shopping with her mom and stuff like that, AND she is what? 50? So now the 50 year olds are getting married for the first time.

Sorry for using the same word again but it really is DISGUSTING!

NEWSFLASH for the old people: YOU ARE NOT YOUNG!


morten-jensen, you are ridiculous and this is coming from someone in there early 20s. i think the love story in 2 Days in Paris was fine. ppl dont always marry young, have 2 kids, and live in some safe suburb.


But could someone please answer me: When ARE you too old to live home with your parents and star in a love story? In your 40s? 50s? Never?

Old people often have lots of $$. That's why they are portrayed like in this movie. So they can say "I'm still young" and the business can say "yeah especially if you buy our products".

Ah well, not the brightest bunch of people here. Just a lot of flames and me being quoted for shyte I didn't say. Nevermind...


its like youre saying no one is in love anymore, ever. Just because being brought up in America doesnt mean everyone is so unhappy with their lives and want to get divorced and kill themselves.

if people on average die around say above 40 would qualify as older. and above 50 or so as almost old. so 35 would be younger...not even at the midpoint of your life yet

FYC - There Will Be Blood
FYC - Assassination of Jesse James


Way not to respond to anything we said, morten-jensen


I've read a lot of stupid things on this board, but I have to hand it to you morten-jensen you are by far the STUPIDEST most IGNORANT person I've come across.

To not like a movie because you feel the actors are too old to be in love is so close-minded and moronic you should be sent to bed without supper. Because your intelligence is obviously that of an infant.

Love stories are not just for the young, but middle-aged and aged. Guess you'd find Cocoon repulsive, or Driving Miss Daisy not worthy of viewing because love and respect is found in people over 25.

For your information in many countries children do not leave their parents house till they are married. As a matter of fact, travel through the boroughs of NY and most of the buildings are occupied by families and relatives exactly the way it's portrayed in this movie. I'm sure you'll latch onto the first idiot that will have anything to do with you, because I assure you from your writing, you are the highest form of loser.

To answer your asinine question :when are people too old... NEVER. As long as the story works, and the acting is good (in this movie it was exceptional), what does it matter?

"Old people often have lots of $$. That's why they are portrayed like in this movie. So they can say "I'm still young" and the business can say "yeah especially if you buy our products"

What the hell are you talking about? Try making sense. Do you live in a trailer in the middle of the desert?

Sorry that's an insult to people who live in trailer parks. You must live under a rock.


so older people can't get married? are you retarded?

FYC - There Will Be Blood
FYC - Assassination of Jesse James



So romance only happens or should only be portrayed by 20 year olds in movies..are you kidding.

That is just like saying every teenanger in a movie should be portrayed as a druggie, having sex all the time and has no idea what he is going to do with their life.





She's 40 in this movie? My God, I wish I looked like that at 40. Or even 30 or 20.... Actually, a lot of the criticism about them acting 'too young' for their ages might fit if they both didn't look so young and energetic. What is it that I keep reading? - 50 is the new 30, 30 is the new 19, so I'm guessing 14 is the new 9!



What do you think happens when you are single and get older? You have the same romantic problems as anyone. You never grow out of wanting a romance in your life and every romance has its complications. She is not too old to be visiting parents with a new boyfriend, you will do that until your parents die. And not everyone gets married at 25. Morton-Jensen will learn how silly her words were when she gets into her 30s, gets a divorce, goes back out in the dating scene, blah, blah..


Morten-Jensen, you are an absolute moron. And you are obviously about 16. Talk to me when you're 26 and we'll see if you think people in their early 30s are old. If you don't want to watch 'old' actors, go watch High School Musical. Perhaps it will offer the viewing pleasure that someone of your maturity finds realistic and entertaining.


Actually, she is 35, not 40. Both characters are 35. That is mentioned in the movie.

I really don't think that the movie would have worked nearly as well with "new young actors". Part of the point of the movie was that when you are involved with someone, that someone always has a past. The older you get, the more of a past you are likely to have. I can relate to the story, even though it isn't nearly the path that I have taken. I got married at 27, had a child at 30 and another child at 33. So here I am, ancient at 33 with an interesting past and a very promising future. But, just because it is the path I took, I am not narrow-minded enough to think that is the path everyone should or would take. I enjoy stories about relationships that don't feel like they're part of a formula and I really enjoyed this film.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I need to call about a hip replacement. As you know, once you hit 33, your body just starts to fall apart.


are you retarded??? she doesnt live in paris, thats where she stayed until she moved to new york about 10 years before the movie started. she lives in NEW YORK WITH JACK. its just where she stays when shes in paris



i think its more disgusting that old people act as if they are all old and grown. isnt that what family is for? for you to still feel like a child and have the license to be taken care of and protected, no matter what age you are. thats really endearing and charming.

i really dont get your qualm here. its totally ridiculous. besides, she came back after a trip so isnt it natural for her parents to fawn/ provide for her. gosh, i dont even know why i am replying this. the concern is totally stupid.
you are the one who sd grow up



You're a twit. I hope have people telling you you're an ancient has-been when you hit your late 30s or 40s. That will be karma.


Okay how old are you? First of all Parisian culture is different. She doesn't live with her parents... she has the place upstairs.... are you familer with how parisian famalies work? Do you know if that's normal for them? Well then one can assume this coming from a Parisian screenwriter and actor..that this must be some sort of insight to her experiences.

As far as her realationships, you know from her track record that she hasn't been able to stay in a relationship for a long time.

PLUS guess what, ADULTS don't have to have this damaged past in their mid 30's! Are you kidding me? They should be divorced have kids? No, not really.

This story line can span across the ages... young people aren't the only ones with the interesting stories. I don't think that you ahve figured out that adults don't have it all together... we are all a bunch of kids whoes bodies grew up.


You really are a narrow minded moran! I am 34 and I haven't got children, nor am I divorced and I am certainly not having a mid life crisis - be scary to think that I've reached midlife already!! I presume that you must be about 10 to actually think people in their mid-late 30's are 'old' - for goodness sake - grow up you idiot!!

I found this film refreshing and realistic - people battle with love all through their lives.

You, morten-jensen, are an idiot.


You are obviously very young, therefore very inexperienced. "Old" people are just like young people, only they've been around a few more years. You will look back on this one day and be embarrassed.


Hah don't get so worked up everyone, its obviously just someone thats bored and trying to mess around, at least thats what it appears to be. If its actually someones real point of view well then they have a very interesting life ahead of them. But just in case that person decides to stop in, The Who's "My Generation" is not to be taken so literally, Pete Townshend is still alive ya know.


I think you said it best. Granted I'm only 20 but I have a feeling that whether I'm 30 or 40 or 50, part of me is never going to want to realize it.


What's wrong with acting young, may I ask? I mean really. I'm getting on towards the age you find objectionable (about to turn 30) but I have friends who are like 37-38 who still play video games and listen to "young people" music and such stuff. I don't get what you're supposed to do after the age of 25. I mean, are you obligated to move to a conservative suburb, buy patio furniture, barbeque in the backyard, obsess about sports, develop a beer belly?

Now granted - when I see people like Criss Angel who are 40 and still wearing gothy high school stuff, I think that's foolish. And you make concessions, I don't dress like I'm in college anymore, etc. But I don't stop living and enjoying the things I like just because I'm getting older. I don't like "old people" stuff, I like what I like. I'm not trying to deny I'm getting older, I'm just doing what I've always done pretty much, with a little more wisdom, restraint, and sense than I had earlier in life.


I agree with the original poster. This whole thing would have seemed more appropriate if they were both in their early 20's (cough cough...Before Sunrise).

Om Mani Padme Hum


you would be suprised how many adults act like children. its perfectly reasonable and 35 really isnt that old. the actors arent playing teenagers they are playing 35 year olds.



That's an interesting perspective (I'm trying to be diplomatic here). I'm 35. Most of my friends whether married or unmarried, parents or not, are just like that. We laugh, we play, we do everything we did when we were younger. We just have more life experience and more money these days. I know a lot of twenty-somethings that seem old to us in how they act. It's all relative, not everyone makes the same choices in life.



uh.... i actually burst out laughing at the initial poster's post... "acting young?" those people are acting their age. i have many friends in their 30s and none are married or having mid-life crises. last time i checked, "mid-life" was not 25... it was more 45, and there was nothing wrong with still dating in your 30s... 'leave the love stories for the young' is the most ridiculous and idiotic thing i've ever heard. so basically you want every single movie to be formulaic and predictable. what i loved about this movie was that these people were older, and realistically older. you're either not in your 30s and don't have a clue, or you're a really sad and pathetic loser in your 30s whose spark has burned out way too soon.

"What's next???? 40 or 50 as the new young?"

heaven forbid. hahaha... oh man. you're funny shiat.


Troll troll lol


someone prob already said it but jack is only 35 in the movie...i can't imagine marion being much older, and in europe staying in parents place up to 30 and even past is normal, you try to find an affordable flat in a city like paris

...ciertas moradas, un paraíso a donde dice Él tiene sus deleites.


People, hello, and please keep your eyes and ears open when you watch a flick. SHE DOES NOT LIVE WITH HER PARENTS, she lives in NY with her boyfriend. When in Paris, she stays in her old room in her parent's appartment, which is why it's decorated in an 80s fashion and has pictures of her ex's lying around. That's like, you know, the whole point of the movie, that they are on holiday in Paris. Jeez...

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


naive sheepish people falling for the 'propagandistic societal rules' .. 'can't do this can't do that after THIS age' .. what age ? .. love story can involve any freakin age .. I don't care if they were in their 70s or teens.. what, you're supposed to lay down and just stop 'living' after a CERTAIN age ? what age would that be ? and if this is the case then why aren't all 'young' people depressed because they don't have much of a future to look forward to then :sigh: people are so stupid lol

.. and no I'm not really 'old' or whatever that means .. I'm 31



Your mommy and daddy are going to be very upset if they discover you are playing on the computer again, when you are supposed to be asleep. Tomorrow is a school day, after all.

How likely is it that teenagers (or even early 20s) would be taking a vacation to Venice?

As someone above has already pointed out, you are ridiculous, and I expect that you have a great deal of frustration and disappointment ahead of you in your life. You know, you won't be a cheerleader forever. One day, you will find yourself old and DISGUSTING!

I wonder if it might somehow be possible to ban insipid, vacuous teenagers from posting on these pages, at least until they have acquired a minimal degree of intelligence, knowledge and wisdom.


Yeah, really. Absolutely idiotic comments. Like the nitwit is trying to prove "how wonderfully young he/she is" and how he/she is the only "wonderfully young" person on earth, and how love is only for the "wonderfully young" blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum.

Morten-Jensen? Shut up. You're far too dull-witted to have an opinion. Speaking of people acting their age. Are you six? I just HATE it when teenagers and twenty-somethings act like they're six. Grow up. Duh.


If the OP truly believes that older people in relationships don't act like children or are immature towards one another, he/she has a lot to learn about the more dissappointing side to relationships. Part of the comedy of the movie was that relationships and love make even what appear to be totally normal, established adults act like they are in high school.


what an idiot...


Ha ha! I married for the first time at age 44 to my husband aged 32. We are like 18 year old lovers! Don't worry, original poster, it only gets better and better. And yes, we went to Paris on our honeymoon! It's now been 5 fun-filled years.


I support this troll.


I think Morten-Jensen got the point and feels dumb, so give him/her a break!


If you aren't American you should come here and apply for citizenship cause you'd fit right in with the general imbecile population.

Only in America to my knowledge are 35 year olds old.

Better yet, if you come, live in Hollywood. You'd be in heaven with a bunch of jackasses like you. They don't let anyone over 19 even dare pretend they are young. You'd love it.

I'm 33 and my girlfriend is 17. She's very advanced, hot, perfectly sane, a virgin and loves the crap out of me and we act a lot alike. Real immature-like, you know?

So, eat me, Jensen cause we have fun.

You wouldn't dare!


I'm most everyone has made this arguement already, but just incase...

1. She lives in New York but still bought the condo above her parents.
2. It was more her mother who was treating her like a child--but they were still just visiting and the mother was just being a mom. A lot of mothers to that to their grown kids when they visit.
3. Love stories are reserved for no one. They didn't approach it in any way younger than 30-somethings.

I didn't think the movie was so bad--I definitely didn't find a problem with their ages and how they acted.


Indie_Mod, I concur with all your points. For 35-year olds, they may be a little immature in their relationships because they have difficulty committing or are always connecting with the wrong people. I'm divorced and have been in relationships since that are similar to this one, only we never made it to the two-year mark.

I love this movie, and I adore Adam Goldberg.


Indeed, patiu1964. While they were seen as being immature, I think it can almost be seen as a given when put in their situation. I'm sure you can empathize since you say you've been in rough relationships and there's always the choice of having to think emotionally and rationally--you want to do the former but it's best to do the latter. Irrationality was a factor and therefor they came off more immature.

And yeah, I really dig Adam Goldberg and his character.

I want that succulent sausage in my mouth and let the juice drip down my body and everything
