
I am currently watching this movie. When Amber was found, I was sobbing... How could someone take another person's life? Especially a child? I wish I could become more involved with the Amber Alert system.. do more than just donate and post the tickers. I think Aber was an Angel who was sent here to save the lives of the many children that Amber Alert has recovered safely.
Ughh and that Glen character gave me the creeps...



Yes... ugh and he will be out of jail after only serving 5 years. I hope Nichole and her mother have moved. If his obsession with her wasn't exagerrated for the movie.. I could see him stalking her when he is released form prison.



Why, oh why, do you Bush-bashers have to tar everything with your brush of Bush-hate? Can't you even give the man credit for signing the Amber Alert bill? Why do you feel you have to let everyone know, even in an IMDB thread about a child murderer, how much you hate the President of the United States? Geez, get over it. He was elected, TWICE...and your guys lost. But don't worry, his term is almost up. Then where will you direct your hatred?


ariamne - I'll give Bush credit that he just happened to be President when the Amber Alert bill came up for being signed. No matter what else he may have done, he can always look back on that shining moment and be proud :-) As Amber's Mom said in the movie, I'd like to think helping save the lives of children is a nonpartisan issue. I'd like to think we'd all applaud any President that signed that bill while in office. Just happened to be Bush...a Texan like Amber's family...seems fitting to me :-)

As for Glenn, yeah he was pretty creepy, this movie really scared my wife. However, I don't think he was an evil person, just mentally ill and very lonely. Which is not the same as evil, contrary to popular belief lol Spending time with the adorable Nichole was probably the only time he felt happy :-) Its hard to know what loneliness is like if you haven't been there. I feel for the poor guy.

But I'm not saying what he did was right. In fact, the 5 year prison term he got was WAY off the mark. I'm worried for the safety of the real life Nichole. Though I don't think locking him away for life with truly evil people is the answer either. He should have been committed to a mental institution indefinitely (possibly for life) to hopefully get the help he needed. Society is still very ignorant about the mentally ill...I don't think a pitchfork mob mentality to demonize is always the answer. These people are flawed (aren't we all?), but still human and deserving of basic rights, if we still want to call ourselves America and not let the terrorists win :-)

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."


This really is a sad story & movie & I get nauseated when I think about how sick a person has to be to hurt a innocent, beautiful child. I also think about how strong Ambers mom is & how she has helped people everywhere. Its really sad, how the world is sometimes, but I also think it helps people to try & fight the bad things even more.


we need the justice systems to be tougher on child predators and kidnappers
It's sad what Happen to Amber and Glenn did have sick fascination on Nicole

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill

