The Soundtrack

The music was a strange mix that trys to express the varying levels of confusion or peace or madness or happiness in the story line. For me, it belongs somewhere else ... not this movie. Concentrating on the ebb and flow of the storyline is tough enough without the distraction of the music.

For the music, I keep imagining a dark college-town stage with 3 student musicians providing musical background for the interpretive dance troupe under the lights. The dancers are wearing a variety of colored costumes that range from shreds and rags to formal evening wear - and the music is supposed to document ... whatever... a search for balance? Order?

That being said, I could've enjoyed the movie more without the music - could've enjoyed the music more with the dance troupe rather than the movie. The whole production would have benefited from 'picking a lane'


Watching it right now and the moment the production started I thought the music was "interesting." It is rather out of place with the overall feel of the film thus far. In honesty, I am not sure what an appropriate score for a film like this would be.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


Somewhere between the music for Wisconsin Death Trip and To Kill a Mockingbird, with some Civil War era stuff a la Ken Burns mixed in.

You've got me?! Who's got you?!
