Good movie

My husband and I watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed this film. Don't be swayed by the critics. This is a very good movie.


I agree. It was a very good movie. I neither play Rugby nor am from NZ, and it was still great. The only minor complaints I have are the poor representation of the juvenile detention facility and Faris being able to drive the car as soon as he got out.

I live in a much smaller town than SLC (about 50K). Juvie here has no yard, the walls are stark white, there isn't a fancy desk in your room, and the operators aren't nearly as kind.

What person gets out of 'jail' for multiple DUIs and keeps their license? I assume he had it anyway.

However, this is a product of Hollywood, and I will treat it as such.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.


drewjan, i like how your one and only post on imdb is about this movie being good. that's very convenient...

...for this movie.



It was a great!!
I kinda love every Sean Faris movie!!!
The final few scenes are just wow!
Its Real Rugby!!

Loved it!!


I thought it was very good too. I don't know that much about rugby, or the traditional stuff they do before each match (which seems to be what others have rated this movie down for), but in terms of it being entertaining as a movie, and having a good message, I think it succeeds. I think Sean Astin summed it up best in the 'making of' featurette when he said that if a sports movie is good, it's not really about sports.



I am never swayed by the critics. Most times the critics are wrong in my opinion. I always judge for myself. Usually if I want to see a movie, the movie appears good in my taste, I watch the movie, love the movie after the critics gave it thumbs down. Another great movie, so the critics can go jump off a bridge and stop waiving their opinions around as factual. he he


I went into it thinking it was going to be another typical h.s. sports movie. I was wrong. I actually found it to be quite moving. I highly recommend this movie to watch with your kids.


"I went into it thinking it was going to be another typical h.s. sports movie."

Same here. It was in my netflix que for weeks. We finally decided to watch and I was surprised at how good it was. The first few minutes had me wondering though. The scene of the party just before the accident had em wondering. I was thinking, oh man this is just going to be like EVERY other HS sports movie. I was glad I wad wrong and gave it a chance.
