Was A Cute Movie, But...

With Hollywood running out of ideas, they do a lot of recycling. But the one movie you just can not "do-over" is Groundhog day.

Does anyone understand what I mean by that without explaining myself? It's just too obvious.



I do know what you mean. The Lifetime movie Comfort and Joy of which I have only seen a few minutes of is a tv ripoff of the movie The Family Man, which starred Nicholas Cage. In Comfort and Joy, the main character is a woman, rather than a man. There might also be other assorted differences because, as I said, I only saw a few minutes. The plot, however, does resemble The Family Man, which is exactly the problem with this movie and Groundhog Day.


I've not seen this movie yet but I'm assuming it is exactly the same as Christmas Every Day. In Christmas Every Day, a character mentions Groundhog Day. If you saw both films, which one did you prefer?


Except that "Family Man" came out in 2000, and "Groundhog Day" preceded it by 7 years, having been released in 1993. So, if anything, "Family Man" and this movie stole the concept from "Groundhog Day."


I think jgiles20 was drawing a parallel between the concepts of "Comfort and Joy" (2003) and "Family Man" (2000). Not between "Groundhog Day" and "Family Man."




Not only that, but the movie also pulled from "Liar, Liar" starring Jim Carrey. The minute the kid said, "I wish it were Christmas every day!" with the obligatory whoosh of the wind, my son and I rolled our eyes.


This movie was hilarious in its own right, and funnier than even Groundhog Day (a family favorite). Jay Mohr has his own schtick, and he pulled it off brilliantly.

1 1/2 thumbs up :)


This movie did have a lot in common with Liar,Liar. The crappy dad that is never there for his son, the perfect new boyfriend, and getting back together with the new wife.


I totally agree - This movie was hilarious!


The dialog in this film was well written, and Jay Mohr was awesome as usual. However, it felt very contrived, and the premise ripped off Groundhog Day. But if you are going to rip-off a movie, you may as well rip-off a classic.

I gave it a 6, because it was an entertaining, light comedy. There was nothing original about it, but it was still better than an actual remake of a film, or all the sequels that are produced for films that don't require a sequel.

Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone that doesn't want to think too hard. The acting is good, and there are enough laughs to make it worth the rental.

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


Actually the whole idea of a The crappy dad is in almost every Christmas movie I ve seen.



I love Christmas movies! Especially the ones where the main character has to live the same day over and over again. There was Christmas Everyday and also my favorite The 12 Days of Christmas Eve. It's so funny to see what the character goes through everyday. Then to see them think that they have it figured out and it will be the next day. Then to see the look on there face when they realize they have to go through it all AGAIN. I like when in Christmas Do-Over when he rings the doorbell and hides so he can find a better present than an easy bake oven--LOL!! As soon as I saw the scene of him in the toy store where he says to get him whatever that other little boy wanted I KNEW it was gonna be something girly especially since it is already packaged up before he even sees it!
