H'Wood should be ashamed

They should just close that town. There is not one original thought floating around H'town. The screen writers guild should fire the people that copied Groundhog Day and turned it into this movie. The "actors" in the movie should be kicked out of town for doing this movie !!!


i agree. i was pissed when i saw the preview.



Sure I will watch this movie !!


ha the first time I saw the little trailer for it I was like WHAT the (insert word here)! It is a total rip off of groundhog day.....

thats been happening a lot in movies these days--they are just doing the same thing over and over again. Hollywood is going down hill BIG time. They need some new ideas.


From TV guide :

TVGuide.com: Christmas Do-Over has this Groundhog Day premise — your ex lives the same day over and over again — which I wasn't sure I was going to like, but when he changes things each time, it became really fun to watch.



This was a made for tv movie not a theatrical release so it is obviously not going to be the best example of cinema. You people were expecting way too much out of a movie filled with B-list "stars".


I see both sides on this one. 95% of the time I have to go looking at rottentomatoes.com to find something good because I can't stand the latest mindless movie that came out and made a zillion dollars but was purely awful (like "Knocked Up"... I get the chills just thinking about the steaming pile of ____ that everyone insisted I see).

But I'm going to give this one a pass. I knew exactly what I was getting and I was good with it. In a sense it was pure candy for me:

1) Christmas Movie
2) Freaking Jay Mohr (why can't this guy get more work?)
3) Some funny parts
4) A crush on Daphne Zuniga going back to "Spaceballs"

So in that sense, it was mindless entertainment that I laughed at and felt good about. The vast majority of the time I want to be entertained but I was able to put my critical self aside for a moment and enjoy it.


I think its really irritating that people seem to think that this is a rip-off "Groundhog Day" and miss that this story is based on the old classic Christmas story "Christmas Everyday", the same story that "Groundhog Day" was based on.
The book "Christmas Everyday", by William Dean Howells 1892, came looong before "Groundhog Day" but the popularity of "Groundhog Day" makes people think that all storys about a repeating day is ripping off "Groundhog Day".
