MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > I miss the 1st generation

I miss the 1st generation

I really miss the original cast.

I somewhat enjoyed generation 2, but it's not as enthralling. I've stopped watching altogether!


This is one of the reasons why Season 7 was such a disappointment to me. I hope more of the 1st generation would get showcased.


It seems like a lot of people from the first generation,particularly Mike Bailey, distanced themselves from Skins or the spotlight in general. It wouldn't have worked.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.


Yeah, on Twitter, Mike Bailey describes himself as "the guy who acted in that thing, but now has a real job" or something like that. I've been told that Maxxie's actor wants nothing further to do with the show, either.


Wow! I guess I find that surprising since the first generation was so well loved and received. I suppose that kind of distancing just displays that they've really moved on, and that the show isn't the same (inevitably so).


Thanks for not retorting, "Ooo stop complaining!" I'm glad I'm not the only who really loved the first series cast haha.

I would give the later seasons a try; just couldn't get into the 2nd generation.


I didn't realize Mike felt that way. It's strange, quite a few of the original cast have gone on to have quite successful acting careers since Skins.


Weird, I actually struggled to go through the first two seasons. The story line is the usual idealistic fairy tale where every twist resolved itself at the end. Also none of the characters is actually charismatic and compelling enough, or different from the stereotype. It was slightly better at the end of season 1 to season 2. I got my hope up at the episodes Effy got in danger and then Tony got hit by a bus, but it turned boring quickly. (Tony recovered easily and got his girl back). Worst of all is the story of Jal, I couldn't sit through that episode, it was really really bad. Now I'm at season 3, so far it's better then the previous seasons, maybe just because I really don't like the first generation.


Series 1 + 2 are the best years the show ever did. Better actors and characters. They just overdid it after that.


I love them all

Smash the control machine, work, buy, consume, die. Haters, betrayers, liars and thieves.-Otep


I'm watching generation 2 I'm sorry I think there best. Best storylines.


I prefer Generation 1 because I felt like with that generation, there was more of a bond between the characters. All the characters were good friends, none of them were really outsiders or bullies, besides Tony at times but he was like that in general. All the friends were really close and were tight knit and I felt like you didn't get that with the other generations.


You can definitely feel the bond between the first gen characters. The latter generations feel disjointed and messy.
