MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > Generation 3 Is SERIOUSLY underrated

Generation 3 Is SERIOUSLY underrated

Most people would just the 3rd generation from the pilot episode based on Franky, which is a really bad episode, and that should not be the way it is. Rich is one of the best characters from the whole series, Nick central episode were really interesting (Despite him being a bit of a prick. I guess him and Mini are a bit like Tony in that they're pricks the first season, and likeable the next), Grace's story is really good, Alo is amazing, and the overall feel of the series is actually really good, especially season 6. It's also alot less out of date than the first generation. I would still say that generations one and two are as good as each other, but generation 3 is only SLIGHTLY behind. Anyone agree? And if you disagree, tell me why because I can't see a reason to (apart from Matty being a bit pervy and Liv/Franky being a bit of a bitch (but not as annoying as Cassie))


I'm 100% agree with you, I don't know why many fans didn't like generation 3, all the characters and situations seemed really interesting and human too me... The only think I didn't like was what they did to Franky in season 6, she was this interesting misterious androgrinous pana sexual chick and magically turned into an Effy wanna be, but despise this I liked her relationship with Mini, the episode centered on both is one of the most powerful in the whole series IMO, and damn, the whole 6th season is about how people deal with pain and grief... that is just sublime and we didn't got the chance to see that in any previous generation, a good example of this is in "Alex" when they say goodbye to Alex'a grandma but they are actually saying goodbye to Grace, that episode actually made my cry... and yes... I'm agree with you... Alo was niece... my favorite character was Mini, she started being this selfish prick queen b*tch and ended up being a good friend and confident accepting her responsabilities... I'm not sure about this but maybe I could tell that I loved generation 3 as much as the second one.. (1st will always be my favorite though...)


Generation 3 is actually my favourite minus Frankie who is the worst skins character ever. I've rewatched Gen 3 more times than the other two. Definitely underrated.


I actually enjoy generation 3. That episode were Rich keeps seeing Grace and then it turns out she was dead was heartbreaking.


Frankie's character sucked and was all over the place. She had potential with her backstory (Foster kid, survivor of sexual abuse, possibly androgynous, horribly bullied), but they used as as some sort of magical advice giver for when the rest of the characters were at their lowest. Then in the sixth season she became an Effy-wannabe angsty bitch. I get why she acted like that with her own issues plus survivor's guilt, but they could have handled it better. Matty was sort of just there, and Alex's character appeared then went nowhere.

But I really liked the rest. Grace was lovely, had the same sort of airy charm Cassie had but more grounded. She fitted well as being the "glue" of the group. (Which made her death even more tragic at the beginning of series 6.) Rich had great development, Alo was funny and likable, I enjoyed Liv and her episodes, Mini was a bitch but her relationship with Alo worked really well and you could empathise with her in both her episodes. Nick is one of my favourites and, like Mini, had some good character development. It's just a shame they used him and Matty for a dull love triangle.

I'm writing a play. It's a cross between Glee and The Road.


In the 10th anniversary adverts, I notice that Generation 3 is conspicuous by their absence. Apparently the TV people don't rate them either.


My problem with the 3rd one is : Not very intresting characters and bad plot/script this season feels like a drag on many episodes because i couldn't just care about some characters and the directors choises are very arguable, it could have been a lot better but it's just a *beep* sometimes feels scattered and doesn't make much sense some characters do actions that i find them to no be true to their character as how they would react ... just like the director is having trouble with a script and he says''oh u gotta do this to make this happen '' and yeah this is where it falls down for me most of the episodes are bad/good and very few are great the characters are very boring or annoying and they're the generation of ''losers'' noone in the school cares about them or teachers/parents there's very little of that kind of thing that we had in season 2 and 1 where we had envioremental development many episodes have nothing to do with school at feels like it's just the characters and that's it and the problem with that is, they're not that cool...

But my positives on this series are : Some characters have very good development and they become very likeable !(still many of them get it only mid season or 6th and some are trashed completely...) and the ending i find the ending to be very satisfactory everyone finishes alright or more than alright moving foward it brings closure to everything what generation 2 didin't do the director there just gave us the middle finger lmao and in season 1 was a very sad ending but VERY good and real ... on that note i feel that gen 1 had the best characters and most fluid plot , gen 2 had the best characters and the plot there was a rough diamond some episodes where wasted where it shouldn't some things should have been resoluted faster or later and some presented differently (i mostly mean the management of Emily and Naomi the love tringle cook,jj,freds and effy oh and of course fred's death and the fact that we never got so see anyone crying about it) , gen 3 was very weak on characters and plot but the development of some characters and the fact that still feels like skins and the lift towards the ending and the ending itself made it a great season.
