What was Chico doing?

When Vanessa's in jail and she's talking to Sonny, they do a wide shot of the prison and we see Chico get up in her cell and come to the bars, but then they close up on Vanessa and Sonny and you hear the audience laughing even though it's a serious scene, which leads me to believe Chico must've done something at that time. Does anybody know what it was?


The audience laughs because Chico was laying in her bed, then when Sonny said "I'm not the only man you will ever screw" she jumps up listen. I think it's funny because Chico is seen as a masculine type female but can't resist the urge to listen at the juicy mess going on downstairs. She's butch, but she is like any other woman.


yeah, but it kind of makes you wonder about when she told Vanessa, what did she say exactly? Something about if Vanessa ever needed to talk, Chico was there.


It's funny that I have watched this many times but I just noticed what you are talking about. I always assumed that Chico was talking to Sonny, but if you notice she is looking in the direction of Vanessa when she says something like "Yo baby, if you ever need someone to talk to, I am up here for you." Maybe the audience laughs because Chico is trying to get at Vanessa, and Vanessa doesn't want any part of it.


nigdss says the part exactly right ~ have it on DVD and watching it now and always laugh at that scene myself. Cuz it basically is stereotyping at it's best ~ Tyler Perry is showing us how prison is always showing a man wanting to get w/ another man due to no females around but this time vice versus due to a woman's prison and no men (besides the guards to go after). So Chico only has a few choices and Vanessa happens to be the new catch so she tells her that she is there for her. Of course Vanessa is like 'No...No...'
