By far the funniest

This is the Funniest Madea play yet. Class reunion was a close second in my opinion. I think the jokes in this play are so real that its hard not to laugh.
Tyler Perry at his best!!!

***"Not In My BackYard Utensils Go Back to CHINA!!! BIDDY BOM"****


your totally right. all the other ones are funny but not the whole time. MAdea goes to jail is constantly funny. even the songs are entertaining.




this one is definatly my favorite.

Dario Argento + Chinese Food x Alcohol= I heck of a night


i love this play. it is hilarious!!

peter pan....he was one of the 12 disciplines. ha

*your momma so stupid that she excersizes when she could get like lipo suction or something* haha


i thought i was the only one who thought this was the funniest. i was dyin throughout the whole movie lol


I love this play. It had me almost in tears from me laughing so hard. I do have to say my favorite part is when they sing the oldies. "Ain't No Sunshine," "Going In Circles," "Clean Up Woman," "Sweet Thing," "Let's Get It On," and "Before I Let You Go" are all great songs, and I was glad to hear them singing those songs. I sing right along with them too. You can be sure of that.


One of my favorite parts is when Madea decides to play 'tear 'dat ass up' with Toni...that was hilarious, she and Ella handling it like a double dutch team or something...and, AND, you know people complain about Madea beating kids in the plays and movies...what she does is she spanks them with a belt...note, she uses the BELT, NOT the if you use the buckle, I would qualify that as abuse, so would Madea, but she uses the belt, that is smart, that's a way to do it if you're going to do it and why more parents don't do it when their kids get out of line I don't know. KIDS NEED DISCIPLINE! How hard is it for parents to get that?


For some reason there are some parents out there who want to be their kid's friend instead of parent. Then there are those who think any kind of physical discipline is abuse. Then there are those who DO go too far with the physical discipline. Anyway, I think I'm one of very few people who realize the difference between discipline and abuse while not crossing the line FROM discipline to abuse.


On that first have to agree with Madea on that...'how you gonna try and be your kid's friend? Let them tell you what they' gonna do? I tell you what, once they help pay a light bill, or the phone bill, or the rent, THEN you can talk about being friends'.

First of all, how do parents think any good's going to come from being friends with their kids instead of parents? Second, how do the second bunch think kids are ever going to learn what to and not to do if they're not punished when they do something wrong? And for the third bunch of people, those need a doseage of their own medicine I say. And I'm with you, I'm in with that few bunch of people too, now discipline I got no problem with...I just wish I lived in the South where the law don't have as big a problem with it. How did it get so far that you can be arrested for child abuse for so much as just raising your voice to a kid, never mind spanking them or hitting them with a belt.


About your last question about getting arrested for just raising your voice, I think it's because of those who have gone too far with discipline. Let me tell you, my mom never gave a rat's patoot about getting arrested or whatever. It was always her rule that if us girls did something that deserved a spanking, we got one. My mom spanked one of my sisters right in the middle of Wal-Mart. There was a woman who threatened to turn her into Social Services. My mom gave her her full name, address and phone number. Social Services was never at the house though lol. The problem is there are parents who beat their kids over every little thing. My parents used to have a friend who beat both of his twin boys because one of them spilled a little bit of water on the kitchen floor. People like that are the reason people who spank their kids when they actually need it get reported for abuse.


I'd sure like to know how people think that by reporting everyone who does anything to just discipline their kids, how the kids are ever going to learn what to and not to do. I mean they're thinking in the here and now, do they even bother to think what's going to become of kids if they're never disciplined? I'll tell you what, for those cases, if they think kids don't need to be disciplined, then they should take those kids home with them for a couple of weeks for a trial run and see how well that works out.


I know exactly what you mean. There are two scenerios for kids who aren't disciplined. First is the obvious one. Being brats or whatever thinking they have the run of the house, and then that can spill over into the rest of the world (i.e. school and/or work). The second is that They grow up so nice they let people walk all over them. The big thing is there needs to be a balance. People need to raise their children to respect their authority while keeping a sort of friendship with them. I mean, my mom spanked us when we needed discipline, but she was and is still a cool mom. She didn't let us get away with stuff, but she still let us have fun, ya know? That's what more parents need to be like.


Yeah I know...when we were little, my dad spanked us, my mother ordinarily just stood us in the corner, and that was all it took for us to behave, and my mother was then and is still a great mother, she never raised a hand to us, but she set rules too. Let's see how those social service people would raise kids with no discipline.


I know, really. See, my mom's parents were abusive, and I mean abusive. Back then no one cared how much you beat your kids or something. Anyway, she told herself that if/when she had kids, she would only spank us if/when we needed it. My dad grew up in a very Christian home. There was discipline, but not physical. My dad is NOT the enforcer of the rules. I mean, he enforces them, but mom is/was the one to take care of the spankings when we got out of line and stuff. Yeah, I would LOVE to take one of my sisters' friend's kid for a social worker to babysit him or whatever. He has behavioral issues. He's not even four yet. He cusses worse than a sailor. Anyway, I'd love to see how a social worker would handle the kid.


Oh yeah, I know mother's parents were lushes, beat the crap out of her for anything or nothing because she wasn't like her brother, and he is the devil incarnate or as good as such. I mean he beat up people, blinded a woman with his BB gun, crashed all their parents' cars, never looked out for my mother or nothing, and she was the one who got punished. My dad, his dad was a lot of the same way, beat he and his 2 brothers and sister until they couldn't walk...and back then like you said, nobody gave a damn how much you beat your kids, they considered that 'beating the devil out of them' back then. My mother turned out the better of the two because half the time her parents ignored her, and her grandmother always told her to watch her parents, and whatever they did, do the opposite of.

Now, my brother and I, growing up were no strangers to phsyical discipline like spankings and the such, but never anything that could even be qualified as abuse. Now, in this play, that's what Madea does, she spanks the child with the belt because she doesn't do what she's told to do, she has no respect for anybody, she thinks nobody can tell her what to do. Madea DISCIPLINES her, she hits her with the belt, NOT the belt's buckle...if you've read the book, Madea's Uninhibited Commentaries on Life and Love: Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off her Earrings...she says at one point that spanking kids with a belt is not abuse, hitting them with the BUCKLE would be abuse, but that's not what she does.

And also in that book, Tyler Perry says that Madea is based on the women that he grew up with, they watched the neighborhood, and if the kids were doing something wrong, they'd either straighten it out, or call the parents and have them straighten it out. We need more women like that today.



Hmmmm, you never read his book, did you? Madea is not some crazy lady who lives to hit kids...when Tyler Perry was growing up, he lived in a neighborhood full of Madeas, they were women who watched over the neighborhood and particularly watched over the kids, and if the kids were doing something wrong, either the Madeas straightened them out, or they called the parents and they straightened them out.

But, women like Madea seem to have turned into an endangered species, everybody's too afraid to do anything about anyone, they don't want to get involved, and you've seen what's happened because of it. It's kids who don't have people watching them and correcting them when they're young and they do bad things, that we have them running wild and landing in jail and getting pregnant and hurting people when they're older. If you discipline your kids from the start when they do something wrong, and keep it up as they get older, they learn to behave...but parents these days don't want to discipline their kids, they don't ever want to tell them no, and they want to be their kids' friends, and that doesn't get you anywhere. A parent is supposed to be a parent first, not a friend, and parents have to correct their children when they do something wrong. Now, if parents would do their job, and we had a few more women like Madea watching the kids once they were away from the parents, then we wouldn't have as many problems as we do.


I know that's right. It's not like we're condoning true violence toward children, but kids need discipline. They need spankings or the belt every now and then. Otherwise we get these wild and crazy kids who do whatever the he|| they want with no one doing a thing about it. I know a child who is three years old who basically controls his mom. The dad is nonexistant. He ran away. Anyway, the mom is overwhelmed, and she cannot control that kid. His mom has never really tried disciplining him until my mom told her she needed to spank him when he got out of line. She still doesn't really do that. He cusses at all of us. Basically, he's a brat because his mom wasn't ready to be a mom, and she doesn't know what the he|| she's doing. She doesn't listen to my mom when my mom gives advice. Like I said, we're not condoning actual abuse, but spanking your kid(s) doesn't mean you're a bad person. Those who go too far or not far enough are the problem.


That's right...if you've got a 3 year old who's running the joint, then somebody needs to roll up her sleeves and take him over her knee. A 3 year old cussing, I never heard of such a thing in all my life, hell, I didn't even know any swear words until I was 9.


The three year old is around people who cuss A LOT. His mom, his grandparents, and the people his mom hangs around with cuss so bad, they'd make sailors blush. He's terrible about using the "f" word. He calls his mom an f-ing b*tch all the time.


Ah, that would explain it, my mother is very old fashioned and seldom believes in swearing, and I suppose the same could be said for other people I've been around, except for my grandmother who I suppose wore herself out in her drunken daze period in the 50's and 60's. But I tell you what, I ever had a kid who started using language like that, he would get the hiding of his life.


I'll tell you, if my kids EVER start using that kind of language, they'd wear an a$$ whoopin'. I also don't stand for adults using that kind of language around kids. Kids are like parrots. They copy what the people around them say, especially when they're just learning to talk. I think it's because parents go around saying, "Can you say 'Mommy?' Can you say 'Daddy?'" You teach kids words, and eventually, they copy everything because they think that's what they're supposed to do. What happened with the little boy I mentioned is that his mom didn't wear his a$$ out the first time he used that language. It also doesn't help that he constantly hears those words from the adults he's around. In his mind, I think it's like, "They say those words. I can say them too." Then all she does is tell him not to say those words. She eventually started giving him a little pop in the butt when he said those words, but it was too late. Other one of her problems is that she doesn't hold her tongue when it comes to those words, and she doesn't tell her parents or her friends to not use those words around him. If they would stop using that language around him, MAYBE he would get the idea that it's wrong to use them. Heck, my sister doesn't want people using those words around her kids. They were visiting last week, and my other sister's boyfriend is infamous for cussing up a storm. Well, he did NOT use ANY bad language when they were here. I mean, he said stuff like, "Darn," and, "Shoot," but he didn't actually say the curse words. That's because my sister (the one with the kids) told him he better use those words in front of her kids. If the mom of the three year old would do that or would've done that, maybe her son wouldn't use those words, ya know? When he starts acting up, you know what she does? She'll tell him to stop. Then when he doesn't stop, she cries. She wasn't ready to be a mom, and she still doesn't have a grasp on the idea of being a mom. She did learn one thing out of all this. She learned not to have unprotected sex. Oh, let me tell you. This girl used to use those phone dating lines. That's how she met most of her "boyfriends" when she got out of high school. She met her son's "sperm donor" through one of those things. Within the first couple of dates, they had unprotected sex, and, well, you know the result. They didn't actually start using condoms and birth control until after their son was born. Not long after he was born, the "sperm donor" took off. She doesn't even know where he is. His mom knows, but she won't tell her where he is. The only thing he ever did for them was gave the mom half of his tax return ($1500) at the beginning of the year after the son was born. They haven't seen or heard from him in three years. Heck, the kid would probably be worse off if the guy had stayed in their lives. He was verbally abusive toward him and his mom. The boy was two months old, and the father yelled at him for spitting up when he was burping him. The kid may be damaged, but he's not half as bad as my aunt's kids. My aunt was with their father for 14-15 years. He was verbally and physically abusive toward her and their younger son. The older son never did anything wrong in their eyes. Their dad's mom was no help either. She turned them against females. She can't stand girls, for some reason, and she projected those feelings a lot to the boys. Now, the older of the two is having to go to an alternative school because last year he got caught with half a pill (I think it was Oxycodone), and this year five kids told the principal he gave them Oxycodone a few months ago. One of those kids had to go to the hospital because she was throwing up blood. He's also having to go to some kind of drug class at the vocational center. The younger one has anger issues. That stems from getting blamed for stuff he didn't do. The older one picks a fight with the younger one when their mom is out of the room, and then when the younger one retaliates, he gets punished. When he tries to tell his mom what happened, she doesn't listen to him, or if she does listen to him, she doesn't believe him. Okay, this is really long. I'm gonna stop now.


I tell you, they ought to take all the parents who aren't fit to be parents and do that kind of crap to their kids, and horsewhip all of them. There are just some people in this world who SHOULD not be allowed to have kids or be involved in taking care of them, look at Andrea Yates, look at the case in the news of the mother's boyfriend who threw the 2 year old into the dryer because he wet himself, look at the parents who keep their kids locked in cages, look at the ones who never let the kids out of the house and the ones that don't feed the kids. THOSE are the people who the child welfare services should be busting all the way to the jail cell, instead they get on the cases of good parents and while some of those social workers notice problems going on in those freak parents' homes, you notice seldom is anything done about it until it's too late.


To back this up, I say hey, if you need pain to get punished, get punished with pain. Obviously people who do not agree are the *whiteys*. Not all whites, but you know what I mean, the *white* whites.


How white do you have to be to be *white* white? I'm white myself but I agree, if your kid gets out of line get them back in line, a spanking, maybe get out the belt like Madea, sometimes you need to make a REAL point then and there, and a good smack on the behind will get the message across. I know that from experience.


It's been a while since you posted but I wanted to comment that not spanking and being friends with one's child are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I know people that have shared alcohol and drugs with their minor children. I know people that have shared sexual partners with their children. I know people that have cheated with their child's partner and teenager/young adult people that have cheated with a parent's partner. I do not EQUATE these type of boundary violations in the same category as a parent/child that have more of a peer relationship without inappropriate/enmeshed boundaries, though.

I have two children and I don't spank them and rarely raise my voice. I was abused and neglected as a child and while I remember the punishments and rejection, I can't name one "lesson" in all that. Therefore, I don't personally find the "value" in that form of discipline. It doesn't mean that my children run rampant or "rule the roost." It is just not something I find to be an effective tool in MY household.

Historically, spanking is handed down from slave owners to slaves and indentured servitude. It was designed to discourage runaways and slave/serf uprisings. Many years ago, I was on a parenting forum and someone argued FOR the value of beatings as a way to break a child's will. I found that to actually be a great reason for why I do NOT choose this form of discipline. A child will eventually learn that their "voice" doesn't matter and others can hurt them and they should just "take it" or endure it or ignore (or, worse, start to engage in negative coping skills such as alcohol, drug use and sexual promiscuity). To force someone to surrender their will for compliance doesn't end at the front door. They learn to "go along to get along" and lose the ability to discern when it's okay to speak up and speak out for themselves. The historical ramifications for rebellion by people that had no choice in their capture and forced slavery/servitude was often death. Yet, I can't think of any parent that would openly advocate killing their child/ren which is the logical end to physical violence.

What is right for me and my household may be different for what is right for you and yours. It doesn't make either of us wrong. It just means that we both are comfortable with our choice to discipline our child/ren as we see fit. And, at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

- Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


I think I've seen all the plays on DVD. This one is definitely the most hilarious and funny all throughout. From the pop culture references to the funny lines.

My favorite part was when they were all singing old school songs. Everyone is such an excellent singer.

>O Stands For Osom (awesome) ~ New York<


I agree with you 100%!!! Best Perry play ever!

I love me some Christian Keyes!!!!!
