A little confused...

How were they all related? And
does anyone know where to get a hold of the picture
of the Lake family tree that was in the house?


Spoilers Ahead...

The who got shot at the start of the movie was the girls' grandfather, and the woman was his wife. The wife was a sicko who had sex with her sons. The sherrif was one of her sons, and she had kids with HIM producing the two goons. The two goons were the sherrif's sons. The girls' father, John, was the other normal son she produced with the old man. So the woman had two normal sons from marriage, and two deformed sons from her own son, the sherrif.

John, the second normal son had two daughters, Briell and Kelly as well as an adopted daughter Samantha. Therefore Briell and Kelly were the grandaugthers of the crazy old woman, and the sherrif was their uncle. In order to keep their bloodline "pure" the old woman wanted the Sheriff to impregnate the two girls as part of their "tradition" of incest, and to produce more Lake children. This is probably why her husband in the beginning was disgusted to hear of her plan to lure the girls there. Unfortunately, his death paved the way for the girls to end up there anyway. Samantha was killed because she was not from their bloodline.

The best you can do to get the family tree is freeze frame the movie and take a digital shot of the screen.

Here's a rough version:
Crazy Lady + Murdered old man
John and Sheriff

Sheriff + Mother
Cain and Abel (goons)

John + unseen wife
Briell and Kelly


the best part of this film was the ending when the dad showed up. loved that... as well as when it was revealed the goons were the crazy bitch and her sons. sick stuff.

Floor, meet Derek's Brains... Brains, meet the floor!!!!-Wes Woodfin


I noticed on the Family Tree that there was a third branch, next to Briell's and Kelly's. I was hoping that, at the end, Bruna (the name on that third branch) would be explained, a plot twist, maybe their incest created sibling. However, no such luck.

Did anyone else notice that?



I'm confused too... if the grandfather was just kileld then he went along with the crazy incest becaause the "goons" were way past grown so he was aware that the wife was preggers by the son... at the very least by some other man. But with the clippings that they showed from the newspapers it appeared that the grandfather was a sicko too. maybe just reformed?


I was wondering who Bruna was too, as it seemed a point the film tried to show on the tree.

~~Heather it's your turn. No, Heather it's Heather's turn. Heather???~~


Bruna was a sister not shown and also the makeup artist on the show who put her name in the art work


did they say where she was in the story?

~~Heather it's your turn. No, Heather it's Heather's turn. Heather???~~


Also confused about...
Since both Kane and Abel got their heads bashed in by Chuck Norrisy super boyfriend Ben, who was that at the end? Bruna maybe?


It was the one knocked out by the chair that is why he is limping


The old man who was killed at the beginning, the woman's husband...when she was talking to Brielle at the motel, she said of him, "he was my brother." So I guess it was incest from the beginning.

"Klaatu barada nikto"


A very twisted version of The Fall of the House of Usher.


Wow, I missed that bit of info.

