Azazel vs. Azazeal

It didn't occur to me they were the same person because of the way they kept pronouncing it but I thought about it and realized they're the same person. Azazel is Azazeal from Hex! I should have figured though since the subject matter is the same but the characterization is totally different. One is comical the other is dark and emo(trademark single tear)still pretty cool all the same.


Yeppers. Thought it was the same name (or close). Very cool indeed.


And wasn't the name of the "demon" in the 1998 movie Fallen, with Denzel Washington, also called an Azazel?

"You can't be a pimp and a prostitute too"


<< And wasn't the name of the "demon" in the 1998 movie Fallen, with Denzel >>

Not *that* I don't recall. Maybe I'll look it up on IMDB!


Yup. Looked it up (it's in the synopsis, 2nd page). Azazel! Good memory!


Azazeal from HEX is completely different from the "real" Azazel. In fact Hex changed nearly every Biblical element that they used. - Discuss Supernatural, Smallville and general sci-fi stuff.

