MovieChat Forums > Fallen (2007) Discussion > Nephilim: Good or Evil?

Nephilim: Good or Evil?

I am confused with one question regarding the whole concept. Why are the Nephilim always portray as evil? I am mean I heard Noah from the flood was a Nephilim, so does it depend or can they chose good or evil? What do u think?


Nephilim are not evil by nature. It is the same with humans. Anyone that has power or influence can use it for good purposes or bad purposes. Anyway just because someone does something bad, doesn't mean their evil, its just they point of view. For example Let up so you have a baby and the baby writes on the wall, just because they did something bad doesn't mean that baby is evil, it just means from the baby's point of view it was not bad. Anything that we do can be viewed good or bad. Also not that I am discrediting the bible, I have been a Christian ever since I was 8 years old, but just because the bible said that the earth was flooded to rid the world of Nephilim doesn't mean that was why it really happened, because God did not write the bible, man did and the stories were passed down several generations before they were written down. And of course as you know one story told by two people will always be different.


That was I was thinking on that comcept because this whole thing was confusing me. Are there web sites about them.


Yes there are websites celticank; but try looking for the Lost Book of Enoch - he is said to plead the case of the Nephilim. His book, detailing what supposedly happened, is said to have been suppressed by the early church and removed from the bible as they were concerned about what people would make of the nephilim and Enoch's part in it.

Whether or not you believe in the nephilim or any organised religion, shouldn't stop you researching it. It's a very interesting subject; I certainly found it to be so. Good luck.


Nephilim are evil because they are the offspring of rebelious angels mating with human women.


Sins of the father, eh?


Yes that is correct, Nephilim are evil. The Bible, the infallible Word of God, states that Nephilim were created when the sons of God ( angels, who left their original estate, heaven ), came to earth and mated with human women. Their offspring were giants. Noah was not a nephilim, he and his family were the only people on earth at that time whose bloodline was pure and not contaminated with these part angel/ part human, part human/ part animal experiemnts Satan was orchestrating in order to contaminate the human blood line so that a massiah or savior could not be born( Jesus ) that would eventually defeat Satan ( at the cross ). Satan tried to thwart God's plans to send us a savior and thus give us a chance to reunite with him. We are all born with a sinful nature, and can only be redeemed by the blood of the lamb, which is a free gift from God. Giants were not all wiped out with the Flood, as Goliath of Gath is an example of a Giant, although at only 12 feet high, he was much shorter than previous Giants. The nephilim were responsible for creating the Pyramids of Egypt. No one at that time could have constructed those edifices without supernatural abilities and intelligence. Man couldn't replicate building the Pyramids today with all of our technology. But I digress. Satan will never get a shot at redemption from God, he chose to want to usurp his creator's place and power and failed. God is more powerful than Satan, who is His created being. God Bless you!


Wow, BS.


WOW - i feel sorry for you that you are so blind to actual scientific fact. i was raised a christian and i am still a believer - that does not give me the excuse to be an ignorant luddite.

the pyramids can, and were constructed using methods available at the time. any # of documentaries have been aired on the history channel, discovery channel, etc. that go into details on the ramps, ropes and pullies used by the egyptians at the time. you are also failing to understand that they were constructed using slave labor. they didn't care if the slaves died from accidents or were worked to death.

also - noah was not spared because he was the only person without nephilim blood. noah was spared because he had found grace with God. read your own bible. genesis 6. also regarding the nephilim - if you inquire with your local church you will find that the Book of Enoch (which describes in detail the nonsense you are spewing - tho what you've been saying is tainted by pop culture) is not considered part of the bible, nor was it written by enoch (it has been dated to well after his life time - parts of it were not even written until the last century BC.) only church in the world that considers it canonical is the ethiopian orthodox church, which you likely aren't a member.

there is no mention of satan in the book of enoch, in regards to the "root of all evil", so to speak. in fact, the book actually goes so far as to say that the angels who came to earth to mate with humans ARE IN FACT responsible for the spread of evil and impurity across the earth - not due to some great plan of lucifer's to mate people with animals.

it is astonishing to me that you have taken non-canonical literature, added a sprinkling of pop culture (that exists nowhere in any of the versions of the bible or its non-canonical sections), removed any scientific fact or anything else that would allow a reasonable person to believe you and formed your own belief system that is ludicrous to the point of being akin with scientology. congratulations - you give those of us who believe in God a bad name.

i'll assume you've probably killed yourself by now to reach the spaceship hidden behind the moon, placed their by nephilim after they finished building the pyramids.


Damn, I could hang with you, dark2321! :-)

I got enough stuff to do without worrying about who you're torturing in the attic!
~ Piper


I always thought it was the 'power of angels, hearts of men' thing. The nephelim have all the power of angels, but they still have free will and human desires. Humans aren't supposed to be entrusted with that much power to just do what they want with it.
Some people with that kind of power might be good and only use it for the right things, some people would do a lot of damage with it, and I think the average person would probably just use it selfishly, and maybe end up hurting others without really thinking about it.

"I got hit in the face with the sacred ass paddle"


Religions always exaggerated stuff, when has good not triumphed over evil?. like omg, nephilims are the children of the devils so they are evil, omg kill them all..for all we know some of the famous people in the bible might have been nephilim themselves

You make your own destiny(well if you want to or steal someone else's)


I do not recall the Bible stating specifically Nephilim as being evil. It was more implied that their fallen angel parents were the rebellious ones. The Nephilim were simply described to be "on the earth" during those ancient times and that they were giants and their offspring were powerful people.


Think i'll stick with being Pagan, least our beliefs don't contradict the various aspects and teachings, but an amusing series, and it would seem the characters of the nephilim from the book and books the series itself are based on do indeed seem to be "evil"
