
liam neesons character is a serial killer.he made the accident and convinced her she was dead and basically burued her alive.and at the end he kills her boyfriend plain and simple.




You should change the title of your post to avoid a major spoiler. The conclusion is so obvious that people might think you are doing it deliberately.


Yes, the funeral director is a serial killer. If you have the Region 1 DVD, the director in fact clarified this in the extras of the disc. In the clip "Delving into the After Life", she confirmed that Anna was not dead, and that Deacon was a psychopath who drugged people and then buried them alive. As "evidence", she mentioned the mist generated by Anna's breath on the mirror (twice), the mention of the drug hydronium bromide, and the appearance of Deacon's white van just before the two accidents that killed Anna and Paul, and so on.

So the only question is whether the scriptwriter and/or director had played fair in providing such evidences as unambiguous "proofs" for this interpretation. The main problem is that the director had overlooked or simply ignored other scenes that contradicted this interpretation - like the character feeling no hunger or thirst, that she seemed totally impervious to pain, etc. Also, in real life, how do you generate a traffic accident by forcing a victim's car off the road so that she gets injured enough to become unconscious, but not serious enough that she ends up in several pieces? Then you do the same for the boyfriend? It won't be easy. These are weaknesses of the script.

