The BEST one?

I know this isn't a popular opinion, but this is my favorite Wes Anderson movie. I love most of them, but I think this one is the best. The themes of spirituality and brotherhood, the setting, the characters, how they change over the course of the film, the flashback scene, the music, all these elements make this one the best in my opinion. I believe these brothers to be the best Wes Anderson characters. What do you guys think?


I think I agree. It's between this and The Life Aquatic for my favorite Wes Anderson. The three characters are wonderful.

The Dame was hysterical. Dames usually are


I think Wes Studi is a deeply creative, empathetic director. I love all his films and Darjeeling is certainly a gem. The one I can't stop watching, however, is Moonrise Kingdom. Every time I happen upon it, I drop whatever I'm doing and view it with a huge smile on my face. Both Darjeeling and Kingdom are graced with golden, optimistic hues in the cinematography. Wes Studi is good for the soul.


Well, in my opinion, it's part of my 5 Favourite Films of All Time.


I really liked this Indie movie.
I've seen it twice.
Laughed each time about every joke that came up!


I don't think it's his best, but I still love it none the less. It's a great film.

Can't stop the signal.



It might be my least favorite Wes Anderson movie actually. Something about it just doesn't click for me.

Best to worst imo:
The Royal Tenenbaums
Fantastic Mr Fox
Moonrise Kingdom
Life Aquatic
Grand Budapest Hotel
Bottle Rocket
Darjeeling Limited
