Income Tax?

One thing I couldn't help but wonder about throughout the movie was taxes. If he got $100,000, he'd owe perhaps $40,000 in tax on it. And considering the way he blew off the financial advisor, I can't imagine him hiring an accountant and mailing the government a check for that on his own initiative (plus the countdown on his bank balance never indicated any such thing). Do you suppose the filmmakers actually paid him $175k or whatever and sent some to the IRS in his name? Was he just due for a nasty surprise one day when he gets audited? I was also initially wondering about the $10k car for his buddy, but it looks like the allowance for gifts is $12k per year, so I guess thats ok.

Movies and TV shows involving large amounts of cash never seem to bother with this, but it makes kind of a big deal in terms of how far that money will go.


I think that the film makers who allocated the money for Ted used it as part of the cost of production and it was a part of the budget so Ted wouldn't have to pay any tax on it. It was his money in a way, but then again it was also a part of the production of the film, because without the money this movie wouldn't exist. I may be wrong, but it makes sense.



Was he just due for a nasty surprise one day when he gets audited?

How do you audit a homeless guy?

He lives on the street and has no fixed address, so just where would you send the audit notice to?


123 Under the Bridge Blvd.

I’m guessing it would make it’s way to him eventually.



Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


there is No End to the Lengths that the I.R.S. will go-to , in order to track-down an Already-Poor Individual , to collect-$$$
