Mavis Growing Up

I'm sorry if this was covered in the past, but this film was on last nite, and I only caught some of it -- how does a vampire "grow up" like this? Was her mom a human? That would make sense given the usual tropes in movies like this.

Still, it's a bit weird she is celebrating her "118th" birthday and starts off as a baby. Does this mean at 256 she would in effect be 36 in human years or something? lol

Edit: To be clear, this isn't that important to me, but seems like something even a kid watching it might wonder. Also, not a big fan of the genre exactly, but unless I'm mistaken, do recall some girls/women being impregnated by a vampire. Seems a bit biologically interesting, if we actually wonder about such things. And, hey, what are these boards if places where t.v. and film nerds sometimes do wonder.


You're right to ask this question. It doesn't make any sense. Overall I think this movie is a wasted opportunity for something slightly more serious, that could be more consistent or less non-sensical.


First of all, it's a kid movie. Nothing has to make sense. Second, vampires aren't real, so the writers can do whatever they want. Third, I watched this with five kids ranging from 6-12 years old and none of them questioned how a vampire could be born and grow up in 118 years.


Well vampires aren't real. It's completely ok to make your own lore for fantasy creatures.

In this story vampires age; just very slowly.


As others have said (in effect) 'it's just a daft movie, they can make up their own rules', but I did think that in most vampire lore.. a vampire remained the age he/she was when bit and became a vampire ('Let the right one in' etc)
As she was born, not 'made'.. one wonders... Perhaps she's half human/vampire.. taking the longivity.. but

But, hey, there isn't a written constitution for Vampire..

few visible scars


I know this is a year old but in some vampire lore People who are born Vampires will slowly grow until they reach a certain age then stop ageing. & the thing with a Vampire & human having kids is called a Dhampir

Ace Lions


I have a theory Martha was probably human.

Guess there really are people who act worse than 12 year olds.


both her parents were Vampires.


They just took the original characters and messed it all.

Vampire had been explored to the limit, with all kinds of styles and rules. Usually vampires are dead and unable to reproduce, and the only way for them to grow in number is by biting humans.

I also believed for a while that his wife was human, but not even a surprise like that were they able to produce. She was just the average vampire, that some of those guys captured and killed while Drac was out there in the door trying to talk them out.

Mavis took 118 years to reach human's 18 yo. That's more than 6 times slower growth. I suppose she'd slowly age till close to 30 yo than stabilize and stop aging.

Whatever, the story wasn't meant to make sense.


This is not the first film where Vamps could reproduce. There's no question Martha was a vamp, because her little "zing" storybook showed her and Drac colliding with each other in Bat form when they met. However, in the "Underworld" films and I believe the "Blade" series a vampire can be born as well as made. There's also that kids movie "The little vampire" where in there is a vampire family. So kids movies have def. done it before.

To an extent, you can pick and choose which parts to use and dismiss for any monster movies. Twilight and Underworld's wolves didn't need a full moon to transform for example.

As much as Twilight's sparkly Vampires are made fun of, it's there twist on the lore. No one has a copyright on the rules of "what's always true about vampires". You can do something totally stupid (like make them sparkle in sunlight) or something cool like make there faces morph in "true" vampire form (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) or make them more beast-like then human (the 'big bad' vampire master in "Penny Dreadful"). Sharp teeth, some reason to stay out of the sun, blood drinking, if you stay within these basic rules most humans will make a vampire connection, but there's no set rule about how there "immortality" works (if one can one be "born" or not). In this universe, they can be born.

Rhonda Weasley


There's 2 types of vampires. The "cursed" kind, and the species kind.

Cursed vampires are humans under the vampire curse, making the have eternal youth, everlasting life, being nearly indestructible, heal instantly if they can be harmed at all, and, usually, have a vulnerability to holy artifacts. These vampires are undead (i.e. they're not alive, and are almost super zombies, or souls trapped in a corpse that won't die), and are usually unable to reproduce outside of spreading the vampire curse onto someone else through their bite. In some mythology, they're capable of reproducing with humans to create dhampires (half-human/half-vampire offspring), but lets not get into that, as it'd usually reserved for the second category. Vampires in this category are the ones found in series like "Dracula" and "Interview With A Vampire".

Species vampires are just that, a different species similar to human. They are not dead, but a more "evolved" type of superhuman. They usually have longevity (in some cases eternal life, but not usually), are not weak against holy artifacts, heal quickly, and are actually alive as opposed to the undead cursed vampires. Being living creature, they are capable of reproducing, but also are capable of creating more vampires through their bite, usually because their fangs or saliva contain a venom, bacteria, or virus, that mutates and evolves the one bitten in vampires. Vampires in this category are the ones found in series like "Blade" and "Underworld".

The vampires in the Hotel Transylvania are the second kind.
