Faster Pussycat! Kill Kill!

I haven't seen anyone on here mention the fact that the criminal trio is a direct reference to the women in Russ Meyer's Faster Pussycat! Kill Kill!, a cult classic. The leader of the group does a great 'Varla', even looking just like her. I would have never expected such a reference in a Pee Wee film, I was pleasantly surprised.

My Top 100:


bewbs weren't big enough. pee wee had a nice rack though...


Totally! I noticed that almost immediately.


My first thoughts exactly, i read an interview the actress playing pepper did and she doesn't even mention the tura connection!!! Im glad someone did!!

It's astounding...Time is fleeting...Madness takes its toll!


Ha! We thought the same thing. Pretty cool


Yes! I'm surprised no one made mention of it on the trivia/connections part.


Pee Wees fan base knows them some old movies dude


THAT'S where it's from! Man, I must be getting old. I knew the trio were in reference to something but just couldn't remember. Gonna go take my Ensure and complain about kids on skateboards now. :/

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.
