What do you think?

I want honest opinions from those people that have seen the full movie only, I haven't seen it yet and i bet I won't in less Netflix releases it on dvd. But what did you think of it, did you like it or did you hate it? And would you recommend to somebody that hasn't seen it yet and why or why not?


If you were a Pee-Wee fan back in the day, you'll probably like at least part of it, and be overall glad you took the time to watch it. It's just not quite the full nostalgic experience it could be, but close.

Censor Censorship!


Overall, I liked it, but then I always liked Pee-wee. Paul Reubens doesn't have the same energy he had back in the day (and he's 60+, so no surprise there). But he does have enough of it.

Pee-wee still has that surreal nature of a grown man behaving like an innocent boy in a world that seems fine with him acting as such. Some scenes fall flat, but there a few key moments that make the movie worthwhile.

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


It was a mixed bag for me. Most of the jokes fell flat and simply weren't funny. The whole bromance thing that Pee-Wee has with Joe Manganiello didn't work for me. I did enjoy seeing Paul Reubens reprise his role as Pee-Wee though, but the pacing was way too quick. I wanted to LOVE this movie, however, towards the end of the movie I knew that I wouldn't. I still would suggest watching it, but don't expect much from it.
