MovieChat Forums > Pee-wee's Big Holiday (2016) Discussion > Even Big Top Pee Wee is better than this...

Even Big Top Pee Wee is better than this non-sense.

Big Top Pee Wee obviously isn't nearly as good as Pee Wee's Adventure, but it still had it's moments. There is lot of genuinely funny things in that movie for me, like the egg salad scene. I also just thought it was hilarious how everyone in that town hates Pee Wee so much, the scene where he is trying to buy a sandwich is gold. Also, the scene when Pee Wee is singing the Italian song and the girl is angrily telling him to Shut Up over and over and throwing stuff at him, LOL! That girl was great in Hot Shots as well. It's still a MEH movie, but I still enjoyed. I personally think it still had the charm of the first movie, but I think it was the whole circus and farm thing that turned everyone off. But I still enjoyed it. But I liked we got to see a more mature Pee Wee in Big Top

Anyways, as for Pee Wee's Holiday, What the hell was that? 1st of all, the plot itself makes no sense. Why is Pee Wee suddenly now afraid of leaving home and do new things? Didn't he just travel around the world in the first movie without hesitation?

Even the part where the guy ask him,"Have you ever had 2 girls fight over you?" Then Pee Wee says,"No." Did he forget about the 2 girls fighting over him in the 2nd movie?

Overall, Big Holiday wasn't that funny and Pee Wee just wasn't the same at all. Not to be homophobic, but Pee Wee just seemed way more gay in this movie.


Pee Wee Herman does not have a continuity.

Why does it bother you in this movie, but not when Pee Wee suddenly lives on a farm in Big Top Pee Wee?
Moderators are terrorists.


How does Pee Wee living on a farm contradict anything from the first movie?

It actually makes somewhat sense, since at the end of the 1st movie, he had his own movie, which made him somewhat famous. Then at the beginning of the 2nd movie, we see how famous he is and the paparazzi is all over him, so he flees to a farm.

It's just in Big Holiday, the thing where they say Pee Wee's doesn't like to try new things comes out of nowhere.


He's dreaming at the beginning of Big Top Pee-wee. I knew that when I was 3. Are the movies really that hard to follow?

I know you are, but what am I?


He's dreaming at the beginning of Big Top Pee-wee. I knew that when I was 3. Are the movies really that hard to follow?

LOL! WOW! You're so cool. Do you want a cookie?

So what if it's a dream? I know it's a dream, DUH! But it still explains how Pee Wee ends up in a farm in some random small town. People can still dream about things that happened in their real life. The movie makers obviously showed us that dream sequence for somewhat of an explanation on why he is on a farm. Why would they show us a dream of complete randomness that's irrelevant to the rest of the movie?

So I don't know why you have to be a compete d*ck about it and act like your super smart. I obviously followed the movie easily, it's not complex at all.


Well I would like a cookie if it's not too much trouble.

I know you are, but what am I?


sorry boys, games over, pee wee herman wants a pickle!


I agree. Pee-Wee Herman just wasn't the same character anymore. I loved Pee-Wee in Big Adventure as well as Big Top, but in this movie he has changed too much and I just didn't enjoy it.

It was good to see Pee-Wee in a new movie, I even watched it twice. So I appreciated this movie. I'm not denying that. But I think Paul Reubens shouldn't have waited so long to make a new Pee-Wee movie. Jesus Christ, it's been 27 years. Why did he wait so long? I understand that he had to go to jail a couple of times but they were misdemeanor offenses. He didn't do any serious time.


But they hurt his reputation enough that he lost roles and essentially had to wait years before anyone was willing to hire him again.

Paul Reubens actually has been trying to get Pee-wee movies made for nearly 20 years now, but it was only because of Judd Apatow that one got produced.


Reubens confirmed recently in an interview that Big Adventure, Big Top and Playhouse aren't connected in any way and are separate stories that just have Pee-wee involved.

I thought there were a lot of missed opportunities with Big Holiday with cameos and past jokes but since they aren't meant to connect, that's why.

I chuckled a lot throughout the movie. It wasn't great but I enjoyed it for what it was. I think you really need someone equally as eccentric as Reubens like Tim Burton to direct to really make it special.


Totally agree!

I made myself watch half in 3 sittings. Had to turn it off for good.


Uh.. so you missed that Big Top Pee-wee has absolutely no continuity with Big Adventure, but then you complain that Big Holiday ignores the events of Big Adventure and Big Top?
