MovieChat Forums > Pee-wee's Big Holiday (2016) Discussion > Does he still plan to make other movies?

Does he still plan to make other movies?

I read that he wanted to do two different movies, one based on Playhouse and another more adult oriented movie(I'm assuming Holiday is the adult oriented one).


That was rumored YEARS ago. I'd still love to see a Playhouse movie though.


I hadn't followed the news of Paul Reubens attempting to develop new Pee-wee movies until I saw that first teaser trailer for Big Holiday, so I had some details mixed up. It wasn't until after I posted that I read that Holiday is unrelated to either script, that Judd Apatow proposed the idea of another Big Adventure-style movie.

Even so, it seems like this could lead to more movies as long as it does well.


Reubens said he would love to make more. If this is a success, Netflix will consider another.

I really really hope he does the Playhouse movie next.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


Where did he say this?


Pee-Wee movie rumors have been popping-up 'routinely' for YEARS. If I'm remembering correctly, it is usually the 2 different scripts, one involving the Playhouse, the other being @ least similar to what this turned into though I COULD be wrong. I have heard about the 'R' rated idea & can't be sure if it was 'whittled down' to this for a larger audience appeal or if that idea is still 'on the table.' Regardless of what form it takes, if I hear 'Pee-Wee' movie, I'll be there!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


No. The more adult one (I can't recall it ever being described as R rated) was going to be Pee-wee Herman in this darker rags to riches story inspired by Old Hollywood films like Sunset Boulevard and All About Eve, and the novels of Jacqueline Susann. It was going to be about how Pee-wee Herman becomes a massive Hollywood star and then becomes jaded with his fame.

In one interview, when the darker Pee-wee script was brought up, Reubens suggested having someone else play the part of Pee-wee and name dropped Johnny Depp who is a fan of the Pee-wee character and a personal friend of Reubens. That's the one that I would love to see get made but I would prefer Reubens play Pee-wee himself.

It rubs the butter on it's skin, y'all.


Like said, You say Pee-Wee, I'll be there, *SCREAMING REALLY LOUD!* Now, when you say Reubens & Depp, I *DEMAND* BURTON! I agree that *ONLY* Reubens can truly play Pee-Wee but I can also hear the 'tongue-in-cheek' convo where Burton suggests Depp plays Reubens in the movie & Depp as Pee-Wee says "If you love him so much, why don't you marry him?"

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!
