It needed a bigger budget

I liked the movie. I thought it was a nice comeback for Pee Wee. I can understand them not giving the movie a bigger budget, cause you didn't know if there was a big enough audience. Hopefully the movie does well and the sequel will have a bigger budget. You can tell the wanted to do more, but was forced to scale back.

My only other compliant is that the secondary characters needed to be better. They were fine, but I was hoping for better cameos.


I don't think the budget was the issue.

I personally didn't like the NY setting. So the third act was mediocre, imo. Wish they would have included some stop motion. But mostly, I felt the vingettes were hit and miss. Some were good, others not so much.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


I thought they could have used the dream sequences as an opportunity to have the Playhouse characters appear.


Yeah I'm a huge Pee Wee fan and enjoyed the movie, but it bugged me that the "Amish village" was so obviously Southern California. The Grizzly Dan woods too, when PW's supposed to be halfway across the country by that point.

Not a huge deal. I get it re: budgets. It just took me out of the movie a little.
