No dvd?

I have all Pee-wee films including the tv show - I can't find this one.


This movie was produced by and for Netflix streaming...they did just release Daredevil season 1 on Blu-Ray although there is a bit of a nerd fanbase for that. I haven't heard any DVD plans for this or for Beasts of No Nation..

"That's pretty dangerous; building a road in the middle of the street."


disney put out daredevil on dvd they own that show not netflix

But I am sure that this movie will eventually also come to dvd and blu ray when are allowed to do it


I don't know what the specific contract states but Netflix is both the producer and distributor of Daredevil and the distributor usually dictates releases regardless of who owns the characters the material is based on. The Blu Ray packaging says "Netflix" on it not "Disney" just like when Fox re-released the X-Men films in steelbook this past Christmas season...that was Fox' decision, not Disney.


I wish they'd release this on Blu-ray. I'd like to actually OWN it.
