A kids movie..?

A few days ago this movie was rated, it got a rating being allowed by 15 year olds being allowed to see it, fair enough, most movies get this kind of rating.

But that was ofcourse NOT ok with the directors SF, so they decided to cut out some of the blood and gore from the movie. They removed 52 seconds of it in totall.

If anybody has read the books about Arn, they know that there are allot of blood and gore in the books, just like medieval wars and battles where, they werent glorious or anything, they were probably terrible, and cutting out some scenes and sequenced might ruin it.

Then again, i havent seen the movie yet, but with all the controversies going on about the film, changes and all, im not really so sure what to expect from it anymore.

For further reading (Swedish)


They want to sell tickets, I guess.
If you can get parents to buy tickets for kids between 11 and 14... Well, you will earn alot of money.

One can only hope that there will be a Directors Cut on DVD later on showing all the gore and decapitations that was edited out.

The fact that they had to cut it down is an indication to me atleast that the production has some value to it... I mean... Its a swedish movie they had to cut down to size due to violence... Like the idiot I am, Im getting my hopes up.
If the battle sequences are that graphic and detailed, one could assume, and hope, that the rest of the movie has been given the same kind of attention, right?


Yeah, from what i saw from the promo, the cinematography was beautiful. It's a shame they have to cut out the graphic violence. The books aren't for kids, so why should the movie be for kids? Of course, they'll get more money, but aren't they also supposed to make a mini-series out if it? We'll probably see everything uncut then, I hope...

Ever noticed how people who believe in creationism looks really un-evolved?


Well of course they want to sell it as a "family movie". SF won't be planning to get the big bucks out of the tv mini which is going to be cut from this one. That's mainly the share of TV4 as co-producers.


If they only cut 52 seconds I'd say thats encouraging. As long as they don't butcher it like they did to Kingdom of Heaven.



But then, Kingdom of Heaven was a poor excuse for a ripoff from Guillos books anyway. This way they can see the film as it should be seen. Not a Hollywood rippoff mockery as Kingdom of Heaven was/is.


The Lord of rings were allowed from 11 years and up in Sweden. The Pierce Brosnan Bond movies were all allowed from 11 years and up.

I wouldn't be too worried if I were you...


Nickemon is right. Theres no need to worry! On another note: Can't wait to see the movie the 25th december :)
