MovieChat Forums > Arn: Tempelriddaren (2007) Discussion > I smell another Swedish ulta-mega-bomb

I smell another Swedish ulta-mega-bomb

Does the word "Snapphanar" ring a bell?

Judge me based on my movie taste!


I think Arn will be a success, actually. I have faith in the actors involved in this movie.

Would love to see another trailer though with more lines spoken...


I wish I could share your optimism, but Swedish movies worth seeing aren't exactly a dime a dozen...

Judge me based on my movie taste!


Heh. Tell me about that one.

There are not many great swedish movies. But then, all of a sudden, one appears. :)

I really think Arn might be better than people expect.


I'm crossing my fingers. Swedish film really needs to shape up and fast.

Judge me based on my movie taste!


I would say that what's really interresting in Arn story is what's going on in Sweden. If you trace Brosa backwards you get to Anjou, France and if you go forward you get to the southern parts of Finland, were odd things happeneds in the mid 14th century.

Check out:



A few Swedish movies actually makes it abroad these days(which is sad but dirctors here does not get enough money needed from the people in charge ethier which sucks) if one does not count all the police movies being exported to germany which is too many,I mean it almost looks like all sweden do these days are police and criminal movies which is not actually that good in the end ethier.

More uniqe movies from sweden I would like to see Det okända(don know how to translate that to english, the unknown?) was as fresh as a swedish horror scifi movie not that good maybe but fresh if one compare it to other movies latley and Frostbiten a Swedish comedy/vampire movie seemed also fresh even if that too migth not been the best movie in the world.

So I really hope this one will succeed cus Sweden really need a big movie to show the rest of the world.
Also I like historical movies so this better be good :D

One thing I always wondered why no swedish director made a movie of Gustaf II Adolf life yet he was even know to a great numbers of countries in Europe as the Lion of the north and one of the greatest strategy king/generals sweden ever had.

But as said hope Arn and its sequals will make it in Sweden and rest of the world.


A Swedish movie about GIIA? Are you for real?
According to the PC-people that would be like if the Germans did a film with Hitler as the hero...

Just like Arn will not really be about Arn and Sweden, it will be about the wonderful muslims who help the poor primitive Swedes build a nation. The message will not be 'love conquers all' or something like that, it will be 'immigration of foreign cultures (especially muslims) brings only wealth and prosperity'.


I dont think GIIA would equal a movie of Hitler etc
The Swedish King Karl/Charles the twelfth on the other hand would probably be seen as equal to Hitler in some eyes as its mostly swedish Nazis that worship him here anyway.

I dont understand why yeah he was told be that great warrior king etc etc but for me GIIA was the better of the two and he had more fame in other European countries.
Beside the Lion of the North title he also was called the Defender of the protestantic church as he stood on that side which England one of many countries liked ofcourse that is not the whole truth it was an economical decsion of the King as he disliked the Popes taxes etc.

I for one would love to see a movie of his life.


You do not, but the extreme PC-media would. If someone like Jonas Åkerlund annouced he would direct a movie about GIIA (in hollywood), then aftonbladet, expressen, SVT, TV4 and all other major media would scream all they can about glorification of 'big-sweden' (storsverige), and of course, that equalls nazism, facism and death to all non Swedes in their eyes.

Interesting, so you think it is better to attack others then to defend oneself?
Because I really hope you DO know that the great northern war (with Karl XII) started because all our neighbors attacked us just after Karl XI died.

GIIA entered the 30-years war because otherwise the catholic empire would have taken over the whole of germany, cornering Sweden. England did nothing in that war, it was France (a catholic nation) that was Swedens greatest ally and funded the Swedish war machine. When the war went so extremley well he changed his goals and there are some stories about him wanting to become the emperor of northern germany. Imagine that, a huge nation consisting of northern Germany, Sweden(+Finland) and later probably Poland and Denmark(+Norway) aswell, with GIIA as Emperor...

Quite a different history then our own. =)


Just like Arn will not really be about Arn and Sweden, it will be about the wonderful muslims who help the poor primitive Swedes build a nation. The message will not be 'love conquers all' or something like that, it will be 'immigration of foreign cultures (especially muslims) brings only wealth and prosperity'."

are you mad ? dont go around telling the truth like that ! its dangerus !
they are watching,, and listening to us, we must hide..=O the walls have ears.

"A fundie to me would be anyone who believes in a literal interpretation of the bible"


I really hope that all goes well with the Arn movie. I think people are being overly pessimistic (I just posted a comment over at Svenska Dagbladet's message board regarding Jan Guillou's response to SVT pulling back their funding, and nearly everyone was going on and on about how atrociously bad this movie was going to be). It doesn't even have to be a great movie. I'll settle for a decent one that's worth your while and the price of the ticket.

Having said that, I'd love to see a movie about Gustav II Adolf (aka "Gustavus Adolphus the Great...). To compare him to Hitler is just nonsense. We cannot, and should not, make direct comparisons between historical events and figures and our own times. I'm not trying to make excuses for what he did, I'm just saying that most rulers of that time probably had much the same view of what was and wasn't acceptable in times of war. For centuries, torture was considered a valid interrogation technique and people brought their kids to see executions for entertainment. Why would a movie about him force us to paint him as a hero? How about a balanced portrait of a complex person in complicated times?

In general, I'd like to see more historical movies featuring events in Swedish history. They wouldn't necessarily have to be expensive to make, and wouldn't have to be targeted to a mass market. Snapphanar was a big disappointment. I was really looking forward to it, and really wanted it to be good. It wasn't.


It's a sad thing when media thinks our old heroes are comparable to the most evil man in the history of the world.

We should cherish our great history, but instead PC people deem it unnecesary, what I know about Swedish history is what I've read on my own free will outside of our communist schools, I'm thankful I have because there is so much to read and learn.

It would be great seeing a movie from the perspective of for example a Captain or Lieutenant or regular soldier in the Carolean army during the Great Northern War from the landing in Denmark to Fredikshald, I'd pay to see it even if it wasn't the best made film.

I'm dead, and I'm pissed.


Sigh... What are you talking about? Comparing Gustav II Adolf to Hitler? I seriously doubt any "PC-people"(who are these PC-people you speak of?) would mind a movie about that. And who says it has to be a movie with him as a hero? I understand that you are used to watch movies like Spiderman etc where there are a hero but if you grow up abit you can potray the characters in a way that doesn't include the old "good guy, bad guy"-theme.


word niga

I like goats.


They should make a movie about Axel von Fersen. That man hade a insanely eventful life.


And now SVT is jumping ship because the filmed material isn't good enough!?

I mean yeah this movie is probably gonna crash. And thats hard!!


The same SVT who endorsed Snapphanar? Yeah, I'm really worried. Swedish television these days seems to vacillate between annoyingly upbeat and watered-down family "entertainment" and the weird and inaccessible. I hardly ever watch SVT anymore, and will not let their opinion guide me when it comes to quality entertainment. Having said that, this movie may very well suck. I'm just not going to take SVT's word for it.


SVT (Swedish Television) is just upset that SF didn't deliver extra material as promised for the series which they were going to air. SVT wanted to pay less for the series but the negotiations broke down and that is the first time that SVT uttered anyhting concerning issues with the quality of the film material.

Here's what Johan Mardell, executive producer, had to say;

"Johan Mardell, produktionschef på SF och exekutiv producent för Arn-projektet, tillbakavisar Gunnar Carlssons kritik.
– Det enda jag kan göra är att citera Gunnar Carlsson själv. Han var här för en dryg vecka sen och då sa han att han var, citat: ”oerhört imponerad”, säger Johan Mardell till
– Det det handlar om är att SVT vill ha längre avsnitt, men vi vill inte leverera så långa avsnitt. Vi tror inte att avsnitt av den längden gagnar den tv-serie som ska visas, säger han."

Gunnar Carlsson, SVT, was at SF a week earlier and said that he was, quote: "unbelievably impressed"

Wonder what changed his mind?


SVT themselfs say nothing about questional quality on their website or the news?
Seems it was all just a smoke screen.


As far as ive heard. the movie was a swedish/danish movie. The director is from Denmark and some of the cast is Danes as well (Mads mikkelsen is proberly the must well known of them)

Also i read that it is not only SVT that is connected but also DR (Danish television) are financeing the movie.

So not entirely a swedish movie (Though one could argue that it is mainly swedish)

Anyhow i will wait till the movie actually is released before i start ranting about how it will suck ;)

Afterall the budget is around 170 million Danish crowns (200 swedish mil) that a rarther large amount for a scandinavian movie.

But money doesnt secure a great movie.. i know. but still it helps. especially with these kind of movies.


There are several countries financing the movie but the projekt and produktion is Swedish with a danish director. (SF)


I've noticed most discussion boards about this movie ends up with Danes and Swedes bashing each other trying to prove it's either a co-production or all-Swedish.

Well.. don't let the silly patriotic feelings get in the way of future cooperation.
Denmark has some great directors, Sweden has got some great actors and Norway has got a lot of oil money. Let us cooperate!

I think this movie might go well.. almost 10 times the budget of the most expensive Swedish film so far (Frostbiten 22 miljoner/3 million dollars).

+ If Stellan agrees to do a movie, you know it can't be bad, right?

My only fear is that they rush things through. They will of course to some extent but it would be nice if they would take their time, slowly allowing the audience to grasp what is actually happening on the screen.
It is a GREAT Romeo and Juliette-esque story beneath it all, I hope it shines through.
By the way, Jan Guillou, the author of the books is the best!
I don't care if he's annoying and arrogant, he's still the coolest guy ever.


"and Norway has got a lot of oil money.""

ps dont forget Lusekoftor Lol

"A fundie to me would be anyone who believes in a literal interpretation of the bible"


"ps dont forget Lusekoftor Lol"

Yeah we will fund all your stupid movies if you supply us with danish beer and swedish meatballs in our cinemas.


Have all the meatballs in the wooooorld!!! *evil grin*


Snapphanar felt nothing like this movie. I thought this one was a refreshing change from Hollywood and for example Orlando Bloom in Kingdom of Heaven. Thank god there are other film companies around. :-)


Snapphanar was really good, I loved it!
