Great Movie

Arn is the best swedish film ive seen in my life, not that i have seen them all but i thought it was brilliant. The music, acting, scenery, costumes and the way it feels accurate to time. The movie isnt historically accurate by any means, You just get enthralled by the movie. The movie isnt perfect but close to that in my opinion. Although Kingdom Of Heaven is a great movie, beautifull and all this movie feels more real than KOH and is smaller in scale compared to KOH but it doesnt matter because its so well put together.

This movie wasnt that much about the crusades nor about the holyland, it mainly takes place in sweden and shows the things happening around Arn. So you cant really compare it to KOH. I can understand that some people may feel underwhelmed that instead of thousands of troops like in KOH there are now bands of 10 to 100 men fighting and youll just have to accept that its smaller in scale and enjoy the movie, i know it did and it was one of the best movies ive seen.

I think that this film deserves high ratings and it needs to earn in money for them to produce good movies like this in the future. Another + for the film is that its as far off the american hollywood flicks you see too much of.


I mostly agree with you, although i feel i must point out a few drawbacks...
first of all i think they could have made the battle more powerfull. Although the book explains how the battle took place in great detail, in the film, there are a few knight riding out of formation towards a score of saracens. i know that although it has a high budget i might not be enough to make hollywood sized battlescenes, but I think that with a bit of creative editing, and perhabs with aid from a computer or two, you could make it much more epic than the outcome is in this case.
Another thing a have a bit of a hard time coping with is the soundtrack. Again here, no epic build-ups. It seems to lack "umf", or power. Violins seem to be dominating througout the film, makibng it less of an action-film than it deserves. Following the spirit of the books in this isue would have produced a more harsh atmosphere in the film I think.
This being said I did enjoy the film very much, and i am also releived. I feared it would be crap, and b-acting, but that turned out not to be true, i am happy to say.
rating: 7


It needed more action and less love story.... acting was ok not great and there was to many obvious changes from the book only to keep the women the knights templars all are bald and have large beards...not in the movie ( shame)
The action was weak and not even close to how it is described in the books....
All in all it was okay but neds much more attention to the action and detail.....


I agree with Lasse, it's a decent movie but far from the greatest swedish film. Many scenes were incredibly ridiculous =)


I too thought it was a very good movie, it was really good made, but however I really do think they should have made three movies, the scenes in the Holy Land goes far to fast, we needed to see so much more from there, and we needed to see them lose the war and Arn's life being spared by Saladin.
And also Arn looks a bit to "hurt" all the time, which he also have to now and then, but Arn also has a way more merry site, and he says a lot more, that I missed, but otherwise I thought i was a great movie, really beautiful, and I thought the fightings were very good and it was some cool riding and it was great that they mixed the languages... I'm looking forward to the next one, and for them to come out on dvd, until then I think i'll watch in the cinema at least once more... certaintly worth seeing!!!


I agree! three movies would have been much better. then they wouldn't have to make all these alterrations in the plot to make it shorter. And i really hope the editors can, on the basis of the crtisism on this movie, make the next one more spot on.


Well I thought it was a whole lot better the second time I watched it, I felt like the "hurt" kinda look on Arn now appereared to be the face of a young, inocent and goodhearted man... well I think he does quite a good job really, still with the little exception of the parts in the holy land, still a bit too serious all the time, but well... anyways is it just me, or is there a slight chance that the next movie might open with the fianlly battle in the holy land where they lose? I just wondered since Arn is told his time is almost done, and that the paper will help him out when that time comes, and not that it is over? Or is that just a fool's hope... hmm...well I hope!


This movie was far from great. It was a really REALLY poor movie. WORTHLESS.


Compared to the books..? It was certainly not worthless. That's just pure bullocks.


the movie in the sense of acting and music is decent-good. as for the historical facts, the parts set in sweden arent very accurate, mainly cos the documentation from this time in sweden/scandinavia is poor. alot of characters are made up but the kings arent, neither the places (imo its as accurate as it could be with some fictional characters). as for the holy land, the books are frightenly accurate, guillou really made good research, apart from arn and a few named characters (3-4 characters with importance in the story, being knights and not ppl with autority) everything is as close you can get to be 100% accurate. KOH though wildly differs from reality, wich is why i didnt like that movie much, besides it being a nice enough movie considering the good acting, music and scenery.
