MovieChat Forums > Arn: Tempelriddaren (2007) Discussion > The movie is a love story... and what's ...

The movie is a love story... and what's up with the changes!?

I'm just gonna say that for you who wanted more action in this and not so much "love story" then I should suggest you see something else because this movie IS a love story.
It focuses on the love between Cecilia and Arn whether you like it or not.

Further more.. I to have some negative things to say about this movie like for example, Cecilias BLONDE hair (in the book she had red hair) what's up with that!!?? And I felt like it could have been some more I dunno.. more emotion into Cecilia and Arns love for each other (not talking about the specific Forest-alone-off-with-clothes scene). Because it feels like Arn is very confused most of the time and doesn't seem to know what's going on.


I don't really care what colour a character's hair is - it's not that vital to the story. However, I do strongly dislike the changes to the storyline in the holy land. I realize that you can not depict everything that happened in the book, but they should at least have shown the most important parts, like

** possible spoiler **

- Who Arn is as a knight templar, his rank and his career in the holy land.
- That the christians actually get their asses kicked big time in the long run, and loses jerusalem, with arn being one of the few templars that survived. I'd like to see some bearded templar heads on spears.
- Also, at least one battle or siege that is worth watching.


I actually think the war scenes, that are in this movie, are totally sufficient. I usually think the war scenes are the most boring ones in any movie like this, and Arn's time in the Holy Land was my least favorite part of the book series too.

But yeah, why couldn't they have given the actress, who played Cecilia, a reddish wig instead of a blonde one? I mean, duh! And she was called "Cecilia Rosa" for a reason.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


The scenes with templars' heads on spears will likely come along in the second part. But yes, the battle scenes were not impressive - and when did you last see a film with this much voice-over at the beginning? Excepting pure children's films.


I didnt like the changes a bit. This movie had a potential of being one of the greatest swedish war movies ever and they ruined that part! So I spent two hours being disapointed. Its not that the movie is loosy done its just so stupid to dont use the war time potential in it! And I realy dont hope that they spoil the great battles of Lena and Gestrilien to in the next movie. That would be to much for me to handle. And what happend to the ransom money and the forced freedom that saladins brother make when he had captured Arn? How is he gonna to make his fortune that is the leading part of "riket vid vägens slut"? So this movie left me confussed.
