This made me proud

This movie touched me and made me feel proud of my country for this success. This movie is the best Swedish movie ever made and im sure it will become big outside Sweden aswell, go watch this movie, it has a GREAT story, and is very, very beautyfily made, with detail.

Also Swedens actingelite is in it, Stellan Skarsgård.



you´ve never seen a bergman movie, have you?

"best swedish movie ever made".... lol


and if i havent then what does it matter? In my opinion and my eyes this movie is for ME, the best Swedish movie ever made, whats ur point?


Well It was trash compared to the books, but as a Swedish movie I guess it was ok. You never got to feel anything for Arn, and there was no explanation to why he did what he did. If they had made a longer film about 3 hours or 4, and made it only from the first book it would probably have been great. But the rush to try to compress the story from 2 long books into one short movie was a failure even from the start.



It's your own fault if people misinterpret you since you say "best Swedish movie ever made" when you mean "best Swedish movie I have ever seen".


Bröderna Lejonhjärta!


Bergman movies are to me like a huge hangover experienced in black and white.
The spirit in all of his creations is "det svenska svårmodet". Which means something like 'the swedish depression'.
In other words, all his movies ever makes you feel is depressed and confused.

The acting and camera in his films are good, but then again, if I feel like getting depressed, sentimental or confused, there are tons of better movies, books or experiences to try out rather than sitting and trying not to get frustrated over a Bergman movie.

I think Arn will be a decent movie, probably not the best swedish movie of all time, but one of the grandest movies on the big screen.

The best swedish film ever made is by far Smala Sussie (Slim Sussie in english I think). There you have a movie that not only makes you feel happy, it has a funny touch and a really great spin of story!


If you haven't noticed, all movies aren't made to make you happy or to make you laugh. If you take for example Donnie Darko, it sure has its 'happy'-moments but over all the movie is very confusing and pretty depressing. You won't feel happy because of the feel in the movie - more likely that you've seen a really good movie.


I do enjoy the occasional depressing movie, Requiem For A Dream, Pi and Monster are all very, very good and still quite depressing.
Since everyone has deifferent ideas about which movie is better than the other, this is a stupid matter to discuss.
What I meant to say with my previous post was that it's incredibly insensible to compare a depressing Bergman movie to a swedish "block-buster" like Arn.


This movie touched me and made me feel proud of my country for this success. This movie is the best Swedish movie ever made and im sure it will become big outside Sweden aswell, go watch this movie, it has a GREAT story, and is very, very beautyfily made, with detail.

I totally agree with you!

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Sorry to say it but the fact that this movie made some of my fellow swedes PROUD, I am truly ashamed of my country. There are too many good Swedish movies out there to be seduced by the money, well-established foreign actors and other extravaganza , that is what I think at least. I have read the books by Jan Guillou and I found them empty and plain, the characters who could have been interesting were the same: plain. I do think that when you take the poorness of what the movie was based on, they really did all they could and don't think that a movie based on these books could have been made any better. However, it is just not enough. Arn - Tempelriddaren is a movie worth seeing (more because of the circumbstances than anything else) but nothing more. In my opinion, it is not by any definitions something we swedes should take pride in.


Boring movie, i will give it 4/10, even that might be to much.
