Why a blonde Cecilia Rosa?

This really annoys me! Why didn't they colour the actress' hair red? In the book, they make it 100% certain that Cecilia Algotsdotter is called Cecilia Rosa due to her RED hair. Her friend, Cecilia Blanka, was called that since she had BLONDE hair.
Then - WHY change that for the movie? It won't make any sense, and should be the easiest thing to change really.


Agreed, it's just rediculous!


must totally agree myself, even tough i have 200 pages left on the last book of the trioligi..... GREAT books btw :D


Are you sure she's blonde? The actress is, but perhaps they colored it red? I haven't the trailer.


Could be due too other film projects she's got going. "Nina Frisk" is in the works for example.


"Nina Frisk" is in the works for example."

In the works? It has been out for months. Moreover, I doubt that dying hair is an obstacle considering the budget.


It's been out for months? Huh.. Well, they were shooting scenes with here for Arn at the same time weren't they? If she had to shift between two sets frequently then I can see why she wouldn't want to dye her hair red then blond back and forth.
Just a theory.


Nah. I strongly doubt that's the reason. And if it was, it's quite a silly one. It's not hard to dye your hair, or use a wig. Really.

I'm just superannoyed with this fact.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought 'Rosa' meant pink and blanka 'white'. They should have called her Cecilia Roja (red) and her friend Cecilia Rubia (blonde) ^_^


I think they mean "Rosa" as in the flower Ros which often are red.


And by the way, "Ros" is Swedish for "Rose"...


It's just hair!


Interestingly enough, in the pictures I've seen of Cecilia Blanka from the film she is a redhead. Are they going for irony, or something?


Seems like it. It's just so silly. It's just like telling the people who read the books first that "well, we don't really care about this, at all".


But the hair color mattered a lot in the books (Cecilia Rosa/ Cecilia Blanka).


groovygroovy, there might actually be a difference between the Latin that's used in their names and the Spanish that you quote... But then, what do I know?


I saw a few posts suggesting that the name "Rosa" refered to the flower (even though its often red) and not the color red.
Just to nail it, it does NOT refer to any flowers, it told dozens of times in the book, that Cecilia Rosa is a redhead, and Blanka is a blonde.
And to whoever that said that it doesnt matter, i think you're wrong. Think of Harry Potter as a blonde or Superman with a gold/silver suit instead of a blue/red - It does matter a lot if the colors arent right when they're a big part of the book.



I didn't like it either, when I saw the movie Cecilia was blonde. But I finally watched the movie last night, and I immedaitely forgot about the fact that Cecilia should be a red-head. That's actually weird really, but I guess it means they did a good job anyway.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Because Arn has stolen everything from other epic movies, and she is clearly sculpted from Eowyn of LOTR-fame.



I'd say the answer is simple: blondes are hotter than reds. In the general opinion, I mean. I disagree with that opinion, and I agree with you in any case, but hey, she looked pretty good and what's important is that the protagonist gets a hottie.


This is just one of many things in the movie that annoys me. I have read the books, and from them you get an explanation as to why Cecilia Algotsdotter was called Cecilia Rosa (because she was a redhead) and why the other Cecilia was called Cecilia Blanka (because she was blonde). The actor who played Cecilia Blanka in the movie was - a BRUNETTE! And the actor playing Cecilia Rosa was - BLONDE! So it doesn´t make any sense at all to have the brunette Cecilia being called Cecilia Blanka in the movie...


To their defence, I don't think Arn's Cecilia even is called "Cecilia Rosa" in this movie, even though Jan Guillou obviously based her on a historical lady called Cecilia Rosa, who was the mistress of the estate Forsvik. The other Cecilia, the queen, Cecilia Knutsdotter, is called "Cecilia Blanka" though. But I wouldn't call her a brunette. I'm a brunette, not her. She's a dark blonde.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


No, she is not a "dark blonde", she is a brunette. There are different nuances of brown as well as of any other colour. My wife is also a brunette and she has the exact same hair colour as this so called "Cecilia Blanka" in the movie.

Still, Cecilia Blonde in the book is definitely a crisp blonde and that is why she gets that specific name. Cecilia Rosa is a redhead, which (obviously) generates her name as well.

It would have been very easy for the director to take all of this into real consideration and (for instance) give the actor playing Cecilia Rosa a red wig and the actor playing Cecilia Blanka a blonde wig. It has been done before in other, much better movies...

It might not be a big issue, I agree to that, but if you have read the books, it is one of those mistakes (out of a lot) that becomes somewhat annoying - for no apparent reason other than that the director doesn´t seem to give a damn.

- - - - -

OK, I checked and obviously the actor playing Cecilia Blanka (Fanny Risberg) is in fact a blonde in real life. Still, from the movie it appears as if she is a brunette. Might be the lighting or something, I don´t know...

But that doesn´t change the fact I stated above. As it is a kind of an issue in the books that one of them is a redhead and the other one a crisp blonde, and that the way to tell the two Cecilia´s apart is by giving them the names Rosa and Blanka, it would have made perfect sense to do the same in the movie.


Some people have a weird hair, that changes colors with seasons. Like it's darker in the winter and lighter in the summer. Maybe that's the case with Fanny Risberg. They still should have given Cecilia Rosa a red wig though. And as I understand it, that hair she has in the movie is already a wig or at least extentions anyway!

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!
