Should have made 3 films

This movie was pretty much what I expected it to be after I learned they were going to combine the first two books in to one movie. There's way too much going on in the books to cram into one film, and with the quality of the books it would not have been a problem to make three good films.

(For those who hasn't read the books, the first book ends as Arn set's off to The Holy Land, while the second book ends as he begins his journey home.)

The first film would have been a great political and romantic drama with a fair share of action, whilst the second would make the creators of Kindom of Heaven feel ashamed (if they weren't already), at least the book did. Instead it was way to much plot crammed into one film, and they will even have to cut the plot even shorter in the second film as they will have to finsish the story in The Holy Land.

I understand it was a question of budget, but they would have been rewarded ten-fold :(

PS: Strongly recommend the books, definetly if you're scandinavian!

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives" R.I.P Heath Ledger


They sure could have made three movies, one for each book about Arn. As a matter of fact, they even should have made three movies in the first place. That's what I would have done. It would actually have been interesting, if they had worked in more from the first book into the movie, so that we could get to know Arn's parents and Cecilia's father better. And we could also have seen more about Arn growing up in at least two different monastries. Three movies instead of two would of course have meant, that the budget for this already very expensive project would have to be increased, but they would also have made more money in the end, so it could have evened itself out.

But having said all that, I still think they did a good job, considering that they worked the whole first book and most of the second book into one movie. The second book contains so many war scenes, and war scenes don't interest me much. So while other people always complain about there being too few war scenes in this movie, I still think the ones we got are plenty enough. And fortuneately, the love story between Arn and Cecilia didn't suffer either.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


I heard they made it in 2004. A five-part miniseries called "Arns rike"

can anyone who's seen it, comment is it any good?


Actually, that was a documentary series about medieval Sweden. It wasn't an adaption of the novels.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!
