Arn's different names

I noticed that Arn Magnusson is referred to by multiple names in the film, The priest & Templars call him, Da-Gothia (sp.) I believe and the Saracens call him Al-Ghouti. Can someone please tell me if i have his Templar name correct and also, if you know why the Saracens called him Al_Ghouti? Thanks!


"De Gothia" and "Al-Ghouti" means the same thing, but the former is Latin and the latter is Arabic.

Intelligence and purity.


Would these names mean "Gottlander" which along with "Svealander", means "Swedish"?


More or less.
A quick history lesson.
At the time the movie plays, Sweden was basically 3 different parts, you have Götaland, Svealand and Norrland (Land of the Goets, Land of the Swedes, and Land in the North). Götaland is Gothia in Latin, and as that's what would be used when introducing it to Arabian language, they'd have a similar name to it.

Gottlander would be by todays language anyway interpreted as coming from the island Gotland in the baltic sea.

Sweden didn't become united properly until much later.

Some might find me morally challenged or morally ambiguous. I prefer morally creative.
