I liked it

I thought it was great, the way it showed he cover up, the fact it didnt have a great hollywood happy ending, the characters the interesting story and great visuals.

I thought it worked quite well, it also was nicly backed up by the documentary after.


I missed the beginning and thought it had the weird ending because there was a second part to this. Looks I saw the ending after all ,with a run time of 59 minutes.

You gotta be brave in the land of the free to believe in the powers that be.


Yes, I liked it too - whilst the camera work was rather dodgy, it was suspenseful and quite exciting really.

It would have been nice if that had one more episode that detailed the politcal and personal fallout of the unauthorised weather modification and Stormshield itself - I felt it ended a bit too abruptly.


Not to bad. The visual effects were'nt too bad for a BBC budget!
Shame about the crappy camera work tho!


The camera work was very crappy and the ending was not too good. I am still not sure of what she said, whether she opened the secret to the public and told that the weather control technology is in the hands of the wrong people or did she continue with the research. They showed nothing regarding that or may be I missed something.. ??


The canera work was poor - it seems that modern films tend to go for the quick cut now, unfortunately (see Hot Fuzz).

As for the ending - its probably supposed to be ambigious, although, by the look on Katzenberg's face, you suspect that she was about to tell all...

However, as I put in my review of this mini-series, they really should have continued from this point and details the ramifications of the unauthorised modification and the modification to that one.



Just seen the first eppisode and will definitley be back for the rest
Seems to be just like super volcano which i also enjoyed
Agree with the comments about the the photography
Very jumpy - not very pleasant if you are epileptic of suffer from motion problems



I though it was OKAY, not the best thing ever, but not something to cry about, either. It was a bit boring, but the end part was kinda cool I guess...with New York getting flooded...however, at first I though they used clips from "The Day After Tomorrow".
