MovieChat Forums > Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle (2007) Discussion > Any Gaelic speaking film fans on here

Any Gaelic speaking film fans on here

Are there any Gaelic speaking film fans on IMDB ?


Not yet -- I want to learn.... and if playing Highland bagpipes was not enough. I've dabbled in the langauge, mainly with a buddy of mine teaching me some phrases -- and number of which I've forgotten -- but there's a good Gaelic teacher local to me, who's also a friend of mine, whom I'd like to take lessons from when I can afford him (tho he's said I should show up to his classes as the special friend-rate -- aka free, the same amount I'd ask him if he wanted me to perform at an event on his behalf or what I'd charge him for one of my CDs -- I just want to be in a better financial situation where I *could* afford his lessons first tho). In the mean time I pick up phrases like this...
Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir?
...and use them in online sig-lines.

I just messaged my friend who's taught me a few phrases to make sure he knows about this film, tho being a Gaelic & movie fan I'm sure he does. I told him the same thing I'd encourage folks here to do -- support this film -- see it in theatres when/where you can, write letters to the film-makers to let them know you appreciated their efforts, tell your friends/neighbors/water-fountain-goof-offs at work/etc, buy copies of the DVD (even like me if you have to watch it with the er-uhm English subtitles on), and then buy copies and give them as gifts to folks you think would be interested -- help support Gaelic, the language and the revival, help support this film and in doing so support the making of future films in Gaelic.

And if you do speak Gaelic -- get some posts going here in Gaelic!

Ta me bitseach mealltach! -- Mar sin leibh an dràsda.


Tha Gàidhlig agam. Dè a tha thu gam h-iarraidh a ràdh? LOL. No, a bheil Gàidhlig agaibh cuideachd?
(I speak Gaelic. What do you want me to talk about? LOL. Or, do you speak Gaelic too?)


Tha Gaidhlig agamsa cuideachd. Bu mhath leam am film seo fhaicinn, ach gu mi-fhortanach tha mi a' fuireach anns Na Staitean. Saoil am bi i 'tighinn a' seo, neo 's docha air a cur amach air dvd?


Tha, tha beagan Gàidhlig agam -- tha mi ag ionnsachadh e. Agus bi mi a' seinn 'sa Ghàidhlig leis a' Chòisir Ghàidhlig Astràilianach. 'Se stiùireadair na còisir a th'annam.

Tha mi a' fuireach ann an Astràilia, ann an Sydney. Càit' a bheil sibh uile a' fuireach ?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


If you're looking for theatres showing Seachd, check out the website or

But please, give a few hints in English as to how you enjoyed the film if you're lucky enough to see it. Thanks.

And . . . what about the music?


Niseach brùideal a-seo, ann an tòin Shasainn. Chan eil guth air cuin a chì sinne am fiolm a-seo fhathast, ach a-rèir coltais, tha dùil gum bithear ga shealltainn ann an taigh-dhealbh am Barbican a dh'aithghearr. Cumaibh sùil air làrach-lìn airson an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh. Gu soirbheachadh leibh!


Chan fhaca mi fhathast e, ach tha mi an dòchas gun tig an dealbh seo a-mach air dae-vae-dae no àrd-def uaireigin. Is math a bhith a' faicinn na Gàidhlig air an IMDb, co-dhiù. Tha sinn ann, agus chan eil sinn a' falbh!


Hi does anyone remember a Gaelic drama on tv. Im not sure of the exact year but it would have been between 1999 and 2003. It was about a young boy growing up and then you saw him when he was older and he went away to war. He was friends with an old guy who lived in an old croft. I think the old guy got married towards the end and when we saw his house it was all done up and painted. I remember the boys teacher giving him the belt and then he chucked the belt up through a hole in the ceiling. I remember the boy started smoking and he was found out because he had yellow fingers. I remember something about a plane landing on the beach and it was the first plane most of them had seen and the boy got to go for a ride. I think the boy was called Thomas I think it was set in the outer hebrideas. Maybe on Harris. I think it was shown every week for half an hour to an hour per episode for a few weeks. I cant speak Gaelic so ive found it hard to find the name of the program to watch it again. I can spell it the way i think it sounded if that helps. I think it sounded something like Grad is (or maybe ist) urchda

If anyone knows what im talking about could you please tell me how to spell and pronounce the name of the show.

Also if anyone knows if it was ever released on vhs or dvd or knows where i can watch it. Or if anyone knows where i can download it or watch it online. Has anyone taped/recorded a dvd off the tv when it was shown. Id love to see it again. it was great.


There's not much to be a fan of. Gaelic films are hard to come by, and there aren't many of them.


Aside from the very few Gaelic theatrical releases, what do you think of the quality of the dramatic programs on BBC Alba?

Im Arme der Götter wuchs ich groß.--Friedrich Hölderlin


" what do you think of the quality of the dramatic programs on BBC Alba? "

Generally piss poor, unoriginal, and half the script's in English. There are some honorable exceptions.

They showed the Cheviot, the Stag etc on BBC Alba. That's no more a Gaidhlig program than Ring of Bright Water or Braveheart, it's an English language play with a few songs and phrases in it.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!
