Voting/Ratings System

Time and time again I have come across films like this with a disproportionate amount of 10/10 ratings on IMDB. I get it, its your new film, and it is easy to think it will be a little extra push to get the film some attention.

The issue with this however, is that the people who do not agree with this rating are more likely to go to the other extreme in an attempt to counter the weighting. Also, with a dishonest rating of your own film (I certainly never claim any of my art to be perfect, as there is always another level to reach), you are not respecting your audience, and my humble opinion is that this may cause more damage than simply rating the film a 7, 8 or even a 9 if it is actually that good.

Anyway, it just happens that this is one of several films I have come across with the same pattern of votes and I tend to click away at that point without bothering to delve further, if I feel the film-makers consider me dumb enough to watch anything purely because they clicked the 10th star I find it to be a major turn off.

Get some buzz in blogs, forums and communities and it will do so much more for your film.
