Intellectual Property

Stealing intellectual property, which includes a monetary bribe for acquiescence, a metaphor for stealing physical property, which includes bribe of reparations for acquiescence?

Allowing her stories, which are her life experiences, to be stolen and revised and presented as her professor's fiction stories, a metaphor for Palestinians allowing their personal experiences to be stolen and revised and presented as Israel's experiences, and a metaphor for Jewish and Israeli history being allowed to be stolen and "revised ("historical revisionism"....) and presented as both Palestinian history and evidence of Israel's "evil deeds"?

Males as dominators, manipulators, abusers, exploiters: they represent government power and corruption that manipulates and exploits and oppresses the nation (Israeli and Palestinian) and sells out the nation's land and history and people and culture and religion and spirit and soul.

This film is either ridiculously subpar (substandard generic contrived deliberately campy/artificial) and deserves a 1 rating, or a stunning criticism that has been criminally misunderstood and deserves at least a 7/10.
