Netflix Summary Wrong?

It says in it- "...finds a whole other story in a group of traumatized local high school students, all of whom are touched by the launch's tragic aftermath." This is wrong, is it not? From what I remember, the movie ends before the Challenger has even exploded and they never even mention it. So I can't see how they are touched by it if the movie ends before it occurs.

Repossessions are dangerous.


Definitely wrong. I read this and thought about it the whole time I was watching. Netflix also had Amber Tamblyn listed. She was no where in the movie.


They should have stuck with the original script, because the tie-in to the launch would have made a better story than this isolated one.

The Challenger tragedy would have been in the middle of the movie so they could see a larger picture than their own little lives...

This picture is too disjointed, been in production for too long, and someone just said to finish it.

Amber tamblyn was supposed to be Lucy as trivia says
