Wrong music/wrong dates!

I know that if the song has been released before the time period that the scene is set then its not an anachronism.
But if you're trying to get people back in the feel for the year that is in the scene by using music then surely you should use music FROM THAT YEAR.

Stand by REM (released in 1989) is used to represent 1992.
Connected by Stereo MCs (released in 1992) us used to represent 1994.

Just something that annoyed me.
I realise its nit-picking and I'm sorry about that. Still a pretty good movie.

A lady walks into a cocktail bar and orders a Double Entendre.The barman gives her one


This is actually touched on in the commentary. He basically said that since these were recent graduates, they were slightly behind on the trends and were playing songs that they thought were "cool" currently, even though the songs were a few years old and the real cool kids would have already moved on to other songs.


That doesn't really work though because the music in these cases is being used to set a date on the scene not to explain somebodys character.
I've been to numerous parties where Britney Spears or Lady Gaga are playing. ThisDoesn't mean that I like them.
I wouldn't then assume the musical tastes of a character because of the music thats playing in the background.

All it does is take me out of the scene because I can't help but think to myself "that song wasn't out that year". Even another REM song from that year would have been more appropriate,

A lady walks into a cocktail bar and orders a Double Entendre.The barman gives her one


No! It would have been wrong if the songs came out AFTER the year depicted, but for a song to be playing, especially a popular song, TWO or three years after....have you not ever been to a bar with a song 2 years old playing? Your concept is just ridiculous... you seem to think people only listen to songs from the current year. I hear songs every day on the radio, etc. from 2,3,4,5, 10, or more years ago! Also, the filmmakers did not have to establish the year based on just the songs....it was spelled out. They obviously, as every filmmaker does, wanted to pick the best song that fit the scene, and I give them lots of credit for picking realistic songs from that era, that would have been playing at that time.
OK, my rant is over. I can't believe someone is being so nitpicky about songs...for God's sake, just enjoy the movie and the songs...lol!


Thanks for missing my point but I hoped you enjoyed your rant. I did also point out that I was nitpicking and apologised for it.
No of course its not uncommon to hear songs from only a few years ago played each day in your life but the songs were being used every time the time frame changed which means that setting the era WAS WHAT THEY WERE BEING USED FOR so that people will think "Oh its 1992, that look was in fashion, Clinton was running for president and Stand by REM was the song of the day.....actually hang on wasn't that song from a few years earlier?".

Anyway I highly doubt I'm the first person to watch it and think that.

A lady walks into a cocktail bar and orders a Double Entendre.The barman gives her one


You're welcome...
You may be the one of very few that would actually nitpick about that...sorry.


Yeah, anybody?
Come on there's got to be one of you millions that hang around the Definitely Maybe boards on a regular basis that feel this way.
Anyone? Anyone??????

A lady walks into a cocktail bar and orders a Double Entendre.The barman gives her one


LOL...you're just Evil, Bob. Sorry, just couldn't pass that one up..besides, you seem to be hanging around, sure there are others, especially everytime it airs which is about every other day!


I'm not hanging around, I just check my comments on this site to see if they've been responded to.

A lady walks into a cocktail bar and orders a Double Entendre.The barman gives her one
