Such a wonderful movie

I remember seeing this film at the cinema and just thinking it was okay. Now a couple of years later I absolutely love it. It's probably a reflection on how absolutely crap rom coms usually are but this is such a thoughtful, realistic movie. As quite a lot of the reviews say Ryan Reynolds has such great chemistry with all his female leads - especially Isla Fisher.

Have to say the April/Will relationship was my favourite - I thought it was written so well, the way it gradually developed over the years and all the painful twists and turns - that scene after his party outside her house was the best scene of the movie for me. I thought Isla Fisher was AMAZING in this - I've always just seen her as a comic actress but she can clearly do both.

As a 26yr girl/woman - this movie really seemed realistic and poignant - a lot about the transistion from idealistic youth to semi disillusioned adult!! Loved it.


I just watched this on TV...and absoultely loved it too! I'm typically not into romantic comedies at all, but this one was so different and unique and enjoyable. The acting is actually quite good all around, but I especially loved Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fisher and Abigail Breslin.

I will also agree with you that the April and Will relationship was my favorite.

I still can't believe how much I enjoyed this movie!!


I really like it, I will say a couple of things first and then get to what I liked. Though the script did not call for a lot of dramatics I find Ryan's acting was a little stiff. The movie was a bit long for the story being told......the three women whom he proposed to were very good they all had there own style and looks, quirks, and personalities. There interactions with Ryan were incredible. the actor who stole the movie was the professor and his love relationship with Summer. In fact, I found her story [Summer]was just as interesting as he [Will] looking for love. The one thing I got out of this movie was when April said time chooses love, was so on the money, and so important the way this film progressed, It was simply his time to find true love, And i don't usually care for romance type of films, in fact, As a guy I just don't really care because they seem so unrealistic. But this was somewhat different and very interesting..... great movie.


Great date movie!


I completely agree. I went into this movie thinking it would be a decent film, but I totally have fallen in love with it. It's excellent. The casting is superb.


How could you NOT love this from the first view?


One of my favorite movies... Great! Great! Great!


I really like romcoms.
I love really funny romcoms
I love realistic romcoms. This is definitely, maybe
