Why the low score?

I realise that The Spirit isn't the best film out there but I think a 4/10 is kinda harsh, I mean there's plenty of movie's out there with a higher score that I'm sure many of you find worse.
I really liked this movie, I like the noir style, but I guess I'm one of a very few people who liked this about the movie.


It's all style and no substance. Those movies usually get based by critics. Doesn't mean it's not a fun movie to watch just don't expect it to be loved by critics and film buffs.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."


That's interesting - I just came here to give it a "3". And only THAT high because of the interesting look and Gabriel Macht's superhuman ability to almost seem like the script made sense. I've seldom if ever seen a full-budget movie with a worse script and more incoherent directing.


I think your "3" is too high. This is the most incoherent dreck I've ever seen.

I searched this film for irony, dadaism, satire, absurd-ism and every other artistic expression I could think of, and there is nothing of any value. It's just juvenile, Miller-esque, mental masturbation.

How Miller managed to screw up the only middle-class comicbook hero is beyond me, but he did.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus



It SUCKED . 4/10 is generous if you ask me. Frank miller is a sack of *beep* Everybody signed on before they knew what they were getting into.


Considering the legendary brilliance of the source material, and how this film completely disregarded, disrespected, and ruined it, the score should be much lower.
