Excellent acting

The movie was well done. I liked that it told the story from BOTH sides, not just the family that lost the son. That lose hurt them all.

The best was the acting. Outstanding. All that way down to all the young children, very good.

As always, Mark and Jennifer, excellent in anything they do. But Joaquin? OUTSTANDING as usual, such an example of what the art of acting is. I think Joaquin should of at least been nominated for his role in this movie. Very believable and moving......


I agree completely, I really enjoyed this film, and the acting was stand-out great. Everyone did well, but the two male leads really steal this. I think this is Ruffalo's best work to date and Joaquin is magnificent. He's so tender, believably broken and you really feel his grief, his sadness and his anger--which is startlingly real.

"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."


Glad you agree. Yes, Mark is amazing, you could just feel his anxiety and his mind reeling through the screen.

I cannot say anything else about Joaquin. His is 1 of my very favorite actors EVER. He's very humble and not all "hollywood". It's unbelievable that he has not won an oscar, although he won the gloden globe. He was incredible in Walk the Line. Amongst others...


Joaquin is my favorite actor, I think his performance in Walk the Line is the best performance in the past decade, he was so remarkable in that. When Cash's daughter said she felt like she was watching her father, it had nothing to do with appearances, he became that man like I've never seen before--scary good. He also has one of the most truly varied resumes for an actor his age, so much good character work that most people haven't seen (Quills, Return to Paradise, etc.)

This is actually the first time Mark really impressed me though, but he truly did, if he was cast opposite anyone else but Joaquin, he would have stole this film.

"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."


I thought that "why did he get out of the car?" scene was amazing...Jennifer Connelly is brilliant.

"I rule!" -Lester Burnham


On my list of best of 2007....torturing scenes. Very well done...


Yes, excellent acting. I also appreciated the story being told with such compassion and balance. This is a story of indescribable pain and loss and it was told with great sensitivity.

"I left everything, and everyone. But no one, no one has ever left me."


powerful performances all around.
they made me empathise with the characters a great deal.

Thank goodness I also passed Suspension of Disbelief 101


I agree the acting was excellent, but the story was weak.



I agree. I just went to see it in the cinema, and I was surprised. Mark Ruffalo had a good perfromance, aspecially when he was afraid, or nervous. And the boy who played Lucas, I noticed as a good actor!





I found this story preposterous, manipulative and downright shameless at time.

That said, I must add that I was completely moved by Joaquin Phoenix's sensitive performance as the grieving, angry father. He not only made me care, he made me believe. It's rare that an actor can so completely overcome problems with a script and come out shining.

Mark Ruffalo also did an excellent job conveying the torment caused by the boy's death and his own love for his son.

I rented this specifically to see Jennifer Connelly, and while she was very good, she was far outshone by Joaquin and Mark.

With a lesser cast, this film would have resembled a schlocky TV movie. Instead, the strong performances redeemed it.

Outstanding indeed.


Totally disagree. The acting was atrocious. You could just be confused cause they played sappy music over every scene to mask how terrible it really was.


Beautiful acting! For me it made the whole movie. Joaquin, Mark and Jennifer are really talented.


All of them were incredible, I couldn't believe it!
Joaquin was brilliant!

My Brits <3: Robert Pattinson, Ben Barnes, Chris Martin


Yes, you and I are in the minority. I feel like a hypocrite because I don't like to comment on what folks do poorly, but the thing that made this movie less interesting for me than I hoped was the acting. It felt like acting, rather than a slice of reality.

The crying. So much crying that wasn't heartfelt, but rather like the sound of someone pretending to be crying.

Maybe this is how people act, thereby making it real. It just didn't feel real.

Mark's performance was great throughout I thought, except near the end with the forced crying.

Jennifer's burst of guilt about the fireflies near the beginning was out of place. She knew she said they should release the fireflies when they got home, so it felt contrived that she should feel any guilt that her child let them loose prematurely.

Joaquin's acting wasn't bad, but he's always good or great. Here just good. Better than I could do, but I still want to be removed from my world when I watch a movie. The acting felt like an exercise.

I dunno. The movie didn't suck me in. It didn't suck either, but it didn't move me.

3 out of 5.


I agree that the acting was outstanding. The story wasnt as bad as everyone is saying but it does seem like its been done before and was a little predictable. I sure how Mark Ruffalo finally gets the billing he deserves out of a performance like this. Sometimes talented guys that start from scratch without knowing anyone to get there have to go a lifetime before they are truly recognized for their greatness.

