Evan Rachel Wood?

Does anyone know if Evan's really going to be in this movie, anyone have any info? This actually sounds like a pretty interesting movie.


I think it's rather rediculous to say the least, not about the movie, I think it will be great, but the fact that Evan is supposed to be playing Madison. I went to movie's myspace and katherine herself said that Erin Kelly is playing Alexis because "she's too young" to play the part of Madison who is supposed to be in her late twenties- early thirties. Evan rachel wood is five years YOUNGER than Kelly. It seems rather dumb if you ask me. It's like taking a backwards step, ya know?

Joshua D. Falb
February 1, 1987- July 5, 2007 Rest in peace


I was just saying the exact same thing under the Jennifer Carpenter thread! It appears we are both avid readers of Katherine's blogs on her myspace page. I agree with you completely. It doesn't make much sense. Maybe she'll change her mind again and consider Jennifer for the role.


I guess if she hasn't mentioned anything about Evan, maybe whoever added Evan to this movie on IMDB made a mistake.


I think IMDb is pretty out of date.

Go to the official Making of Waking Madison site to find out who's nearly in the bag for playing Madison... and it's not Evan Rachel Wood or Erin Kelly!


x J x


Actually, Katherine did mention Evan on her myspace page as a Madison possiblity a while ago and this was after she had said in her blog that she couldn't envision someone in their early 20s playing Madison anymore. Anyway, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind I guess. Besides it's her movie so I'm sure she knows who's best to play a character she created.


Mandy Moore as Madison?!?!? uhhhhh...



yes, i totally agree with you! i think this is stupid. rather kelly as madison than wood.


I was just reading her blog on Myspace, and she seems more set as Mandy M in the role of Madison...she talked about Evan Rachel Wood a while ago...I think that whoever put her down made a mistake.

