No, no, no....

It has been a couple days since I finished watching this show and I can't get it out of my mind. I realize this is just a TV show, that it was canceled and they wanted to wrap things up, but no way would Grace ever put her family and friends through that. She would have thought of a different way to stop him. She loved so intensely and with what she went through with her sister dying there is no way that she would kill herself, even if it was to save others. And there is no way that god would want her to do that. Earl should have saved her at the last minute or even god, like he did when she jumped from the building. This was a sucky way to end a series, with so much pain. I hate the writers for ending it this way.


The network cancelled the show in the middle of filming season 3 and only gave them 3 episodes to wrap up the storyline. I HATED it. I mean I love the show. It's in my top 10 but you can tell the network did that by the sloppy way they tied things up. I agree with you too.


The one thing that did make sense to me was that Earl was her "last chance" angel. Since he was also Leon Cooley's angel and Cooley was sentenced to die, I also suspected she was headed for an untimely death and that was why she was given a last chance angel.

But, to your point, it would have been more believable if her death was not her choice.
