Ending makes no sense

First of all, I loved this miniseries and thought it was a fresh, exciting idea. With that said, the ending was rushed and didn't make much sense. I did like that Joe got Anna back, and that he ended up with Jennifer but here are my problems:

1. Why would Joe leave the key in the room and purposely lose it if he's now an object, and can't die without being inside of the room. He basically just made himself immortal and no one should ever live that way. He'll probably go crazy trying to find a way to die or destroy the other objects since he'll be forever attached to them.
2. What happened to Kreutzfeld? It didn't make sense to show him collecting the items that Arlene Conroy used during her "experiment", and then show him just end up the way that she did. He didn't even have the exact items, he also has the quarter and the glass eye and so the experiment shouldn't have even resulted in the same results. I feel like we wasted our time with his storyline to end up with that result.
3. What happened with Ruber? He was an interesting character and again, our time was wasted on him just to have no resolution at all. He was totally convinced that he was a prophet and it seemed like he was right. Of coure, he could've been crazy but, how do we know? Also, Det. Bridgewater knew that Ruber killed Lou because he confessed that to her, she also knew that he is dangerous, and she knew exactly where he was going. He told her he was going to "the motel", and said "you know the one, don't you?". She obviously would have gotten help and followed him there. You can't just kill a cop and then get away with it. Why not show him getting arrested, or getting away without being found. It's just weird.
4. With all of the questions and open endings, why did they leave it with such a final ending? I've seen people on here mention it being left open for a second season but, I don't see that at all. I feel like the ending was very final which is horrible. Why introduce so many characters and questions just to leave us hanging like that? The biggest question is, What the hell happened in the room? What happened to the occupant? How did he end up in room, and what happened while he was there? Also, how did no one notice that he never aged during all of his years in the hospital? Why did he never get the key before in order to enter the room and die?
5. lastly, how the hell was Joe even able to get rid of the key? That makes no sense. We all know from watching that the items don't disappear in the room, only other things that aren't original to the room like, people (Joe's daughter), and Kreutzfeld's safe (it disappeared, freeing the clock that was inside). The key obviously still exists in the room but, no one will be able to get to it since it's in a room that's impossible to get into without the key. Again, with the key trapped in the room, no one can get into it, making the ending very final.

With the awesomeness of this miniseries, I just don't understand why the ending was so rushed and mishandled. They should have made the miniseries a lot longer in order to resolve all of the different storylines, to explain what happened in the room, and to explore the rest of the objects. There are 100 of them. We should have been able to see more of them and what they were able to do. I don't know if anyone will ever read this or even care but, I just had to post this somewhere since I just watched this show and I'm really upset over it.


1. Why would Joe leave the key in the room and purposely lose it if he's now an object, and can't die without being inside of the room. He basically just made himself immortal and no one should ever live that way. He'll probably go crazy trying to find a way to die or destroy the other objects since he'll be forever attached to them.

All he was thinking was to take one major object off of the world. He didn't think about the future implications of his immortality. You're correct, now, there isn't anything in the known universe that would allow him to die. Nothing... but that's a whole new series!

5. How will anyone get into the lost room without the key? If the key is inside the room, and the key is required to go into the room, how will anyone be able to access the lost room ever again? They can't, it's officially lost forever.


The ending I saw was of him looking at the motel from the street. Didn't see him get Anna back or anything


Are there different versions of the ending? The ending I saw shows he did get Anna back but also the very last scene shows the camera zooming back in on room 8, the door opens, and it zooms in on the key on the floor which I took to mean that Joe's attempt to get rid of the key did not work and that it is now open for the next person to pick it up.


On the DVD, it shows an ending in which:

Joe gets Anna back

Joe opens Room 8 with the key, and leaves the key in "The Lost Room." He then closes and opens the door, to find Room 8 with no key on the floor.

After Joe, Anna, and Jennifer drive away from the motel, the door to Room 8 opens by itself. Inside is "The Lost Room" and the key is on the floor.

So they left it open to anyone who comes along and finds "The Lost Room" with the key on the floor.


Yes, that is exactly what I saw :)


No doubt the original idea was to have a regular TV series. The ending in the last episode was done no doubt to "close" the series rather than "leave it hanging".

If the series had continued then this last episode would have been far more "open ended" as certain caracters (e.g. Ruber) would have their own story line played out.

One note on the physics of the Lost Room. Are parallel universes real?? Many
billions of dollars has been spent on CERN in Switzerland to verify this.
It seems that if the Hicks Bozon has certain mass, parallel universes can exist.
