Very disappointing.

I liked the premise (big fan of "Friday the 13th the Series" here), watched the first episode and completely loved it, sets the conflict with a nice twist in the end. Unfortunately it went downhill from then on, sometimes trying to be funny but falling short and being stupid, and most of it being ridiculous.

My main problem is believability. And I am not talking about the plausibility of the objects, or the randomness of their powers, or the non-explanation of what happened in the room or where all of it comes from, I didn't mind that. But the rest of it, the plot bits that shouldn't be supernatural, were so annoyingly unbelievable that it ruined it for me.

Just to name one, fresh from the last episode that I have just watched: they all look at some graphical representation of where the objects had been, and when the guy sees a spot untouched in the middle of the map reaches to the conclusion that that's where the occupant must be, driving all the objects away. Wait, what? Why would you even think all that? you could just say "that's weird, let's go investigate", but examples like this, assumptions from the characters to just try to drive the story forwards in 6 episodes, are just plain silly.



With regards to your example I actually drew the same conclusion they did as that scene unfolded. This might be because it was similar to a location on a map in series 2 of Supernatural. I certainly had this impression that the occupant was in some way affecting the objects either consciously or sub-consciously.

As a series it reminded me a little of some of the Dean R Konntz books from the late 90s to early 2000s. I thought the locations were well thought out and the sets intriguing. The remoteness of the motel, the creepiness of the building, akin to Bates Motel, the room itself, all contributed to a strong atmosphere.

I really enjoyed it. As an unusual premise it ticked a lot of my personal boxes when it comes to entertainment.


This show had a great premise but lost itself immediately in rediculousness. Couldnt make it further than the second episode. Open a door and fall from the sky, OMG! Sci Fi should me more than a stupid cop story with cardboard villains. Peter Krause ruined his career with this stinker after the glorious Six Feet Under.
