any more needed?

i dont know what else they could possibly do, maybe another 70s one, but not right now. i think the 80s have been sucked dry, and i think its way too soon to do another 90s one (in my opinion). we'll see what vh1 thinks.

"Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow" - Tina Fey


I thought it was way too soon to do the 90s one as it is. A second one would be completely ridiculous. The 90s weren't that long ago. Next they'll do " I Love The First 5 Years of the New Millenium!" "Remember those peasant tops all the girls wore 2 years ago? Yeah, totally uncool." They need to take a break from this series and bring it back in 2010. They were pushing it with the 3rd I Love the 80s, although it was really funny, it was too soon.

Of course VH1 will beat the series till it's dead. I imagine I Love the 90s: Volume 2 will roll out sometime early next year.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


They already did a second 90s program. Frankly I thought doing any 90s program was too soon, the only years that made me go "oh yeah!" becides some obscure references to truly forgettable late-90s things where pre '95 or so.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


Its absolutely time to end this franchise for good. Sure, a lot of stuff has not been covered, oh well. They really did a good job with the first 2 80s specials, and the first 70s was good, i guess. But after they didI love the 90s the series just went downhill. If they plan to milk the franchise further, at least cover more stuff, bring back Donal Louge, and get the rights for all Jack Nicholson movies.


Franly with the condecending attitudes that most of the cast holds towards almost everything that has appeared on the series in the last 4 or so installments, I don't see a point. Ever since the "I Love..." series became "Best Year Ever" (using almost the whole cast from "Best Week Ever"), it's gone way downhill. If VH-1 actually cared about delivering a quality product, they'd fork over the money, or ask REAL celebrities who actually lived, or took part in an event (not these C-listers) to sit down and talk about the decade they lived in. If they're trying to present the show to a 18-34 year old demographic only, then they're missing the point.

At least if they ever do another 70's one, get people who were actually alive and old enough to remember the events happening! That means that we shouldn't see the Donnas (who were born in the 80s) or people on talking about how "good/bad" Woodstock 1970 turned out when they themselves were not born till 1971.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


I could not agree with you more. When I saw "I Love The 70's" and saw the Donnas talking about stuff, I was like "WTF are they doing on here? They were born in like, 1982."

So yeah, at least interview people that were pre-teens (or at least born) in the 70's.

Drinking and smoking go together like porn and nachos.
AIM: eviljanet
