Blu Ray DVD Review

The Film is directed by Michael Winterbottom. The film is based on the best-selling memoir by Mariane Pearl (portrayed her by Angelina Jolie). After her husband is captured by terrorists, Mariane headed a desperate search for any possible clues in hopes of finding something that would lead her to her husband. For any of us that followed the news in 2002, which was probably everyone, we all know Daniel (portrayed here by Dan Futterman) was eventually killed by beheading. The film follows the nine days through which Daniel was captured until his untimely end. What results is a truly moving piece of cinema with a tour de force performance by Jolie.

There is something about Jolie in her films. Having never seen “A Mighty Heart” before this Blu-ray arrived at my door, I have no problem admitting that Jolie might just be one of the best actor’s Hollywood has to offer. She puts her all into every role tackling every issue with such raw performances. In her recent “Changeling“, Jolie seems to give her best in the drama genre. Akin to “Changeling“, Jolie acts in a manner that is simultaneously convincing and incredibly emotional powerful that we just can’t help but sit by her as she awaits what we all now know was the grimiest news anyone could hear. Sure it’s probably easy for any to turn in an emotional performance but to actually have the audience convinced that you’re hitting all the notes is a rare feat. And Jolie continues to do this film after film.

Bonus Materials are presented in Standard Definition video using MPEG-2 with Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo sound @192kbps.

“A Journey of Passion” The Making of A Mighty Heart: This runs close to 30 minutes in length and serves as the making of the film. While we do still get interviews from the cast and crew, I felt something was missing here resulting in a fairly flat and overly Hollywood making of.
Public Service Announcement: This is a very brief 2 minutes PSA from CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour for the Daniel Pearl Foundation. She speaks on uniting journalism, music and innovative communications.
Committee to Protect Journalists: This runs about 9 minutes and serves as a look at the foundation that was started to protect journalists around the world.
Theatrical Trailer (HD): Here the film’s theatrical trailer is shown.

